This repository is mostly a personal learning project and has various functions:
- It is my personal OSC Query debugger, and communicates with VRChat by listing all the available addresses.
- It can display the entire Expressions Menu if that menu was exported during the avatar build process using another Unity Editor tool I made specifically for this purpose (learn more).
- It can display the status of all VR hardware.
- In addition to the desktop window, it also has an implementation of the ImGui.NET window:
- being rendered into a SteamVR overlay (introduction commit) using the OpenVR API and Veldrid,
- with some basic overlay mouse input (class, introduction commit),
- and some eye tracking input (class, introduction commit).
For more information, open the website page.
This page previously had a section about VRChat login. It can be found at this link.
- No option specified: Starts as a desktop window. If SteamVR is running, it also creates an additional dashboard overlay.
Starts as a desktop window.--register-manifest
config only: Register the application path to SteamVR. By default, debug builds do not register themselves.--no-register-manifest
config only: Do not register the application path to SteamVR.
This project has various compilation constants available, see h-view/src/ConditionalCompilation.cs
Release, Debug): Include OCR text recognition and translation from screenshots. - INCLUDES_OPENVR (Release, Debug): Include OpenVR/SteamVR functionality. When not set, only desktop functions will be active.
Release, Debug): Include Steamworks DLL, intended for use with Steam distribution. - REGISTER_MANIFEST (Release,
Debug): Register the application manifest path, so that SteamVR can provide the option to auto-start it with SteamVR. - COOKIES_SUPPORTED (
Release,Debug): Enable communication with VRChat API, see VRChat Login section above. - ENABLE_FAKE_VRC_OSC (
Release,Debug): Create a fake VRChat OSC server, so that other applications may send data to H-View when VRChat is not running (i.e. face tracking). - USE_CONSTS_IN_RELEASE (Release,
Debug): Replace static bool properties with const bool fields in ConditionalCompilation.cs.
Third party acknowledgements can also be found in the HThirdParty/ subfolder:
- Open HThirdParty/thirdparty-lookup.json
- For the full license text of the third party dependencies, open HThirdParty/THIRDPARTY-LICENSES/ folder
- The same information can be found through the user interface within the application, in
Options > Third party acknowledgements
- When h-view is executed as a debug build, the file
will be generated in the executable folder.
Included in source code form and DLLs:
- A3ESimpleOSC for C#, version 0.1 @ https://github.com/lyuma/Av3Emulator/blob/master/Runtime/Scripts/A3ESimpleOSC.cs (MIT license) by Lyuma
- ImGui.NET SampleProgram @ https://github.com/ImGuiNET/ImGui.NET/tree/master/src/ImGui.NET.SampleProgram (MIT license) by Eric Mellino and ImGui.NET contributors
- OpenVR API @ https://github.com/ValveSoftware/openvr (BSD-3-Clause license) by Valve Corporation
- openvr-screengrab @ https://github.com/cnlohr/openvr-screengrab (MIT license) by CNLohr
- openvr_overlay_model @ https://github.com/cnlohr/openvr_overlay_model (MIT license) by CNLohr
Other dependencies included through NuGet: h-view/h-view.csproj
- Dear ImGui @ https://github.com/ocornut/imgui (MIT license) by Omar Cornut
- ImGui.NET @ https://github.com/ImGuiNET/ImGui.NET (MIT license) by Eric Mellino and ImGui.NET contributors
- Veldrid @ https://github.com/veldrid/veldrid (MIT license) by Eric Mellino and Veldrid contributors
- VRChat.OSCQuery @ https://github.com/vrchat-community/vrc-oscquery-lib (MIT license) by VRChat Inc.
- Vortice.Windows @ https://github.com/amerkoleci/Vortice.Windows (MIT license) by Amer Koleci and Contributors
- Newtonsoft.Json @ https://github.com/JamesNK/Newtonsoft.Json (MIT license) by James Newton-King
- Facepunch.Steamworks @ https://github.com/Facepunch/Facepunch.Steamworks (MIT license) by Facepunch Studios LTD (conditionally included when INCLUDES_STEAMWORKS flag is set)
- Argos Translate @ https://github.com/argosopentech/argos-translate (MIT license) by Argos Open Technologies, LLC (conditionally included when INCLUDES_OCR flag is set)
- Python.NET @ https://github.com/pythonnet/pythonnet (MIT license) by the contributors of the Python.NET project (conditionally included when INCLUDES_OCR flag is set)
- (there may be other implicit packages)
Asset dependencies:
- Fredoka font @ https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Fredoka/about (SIL Open Font License) by Milena Brandão, Hafontia
- Kiwi Maru font @ https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Kiwi+Maru/about (SIL Open Font License) by Hiroki-Chan
- K14 font @ https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/K14_(フォント) (Public domain) by Hiroshi Tachibana (橘浩志)
- ProggyClean font @ http://www.proggyfonts.net/ (MIT License (According to https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/blob/master/docs/FONTS.md#creditslicenses-for-fonts-included-in-repository)) by Tristan Grimmer
If the project is compiled with INCLUDE_STEAMWORKS
(only on Debug and ReleaseSteamworks builds), the Steam API will be included.
This is used to build my own application for distribution through Steam. See Steamworks API.