This repository presents a feature-based SLAM framework using side-scan sonar, which is able to automatically detect and robustly match keypoints between paired side-scan images and use them as constraints to optimize the AUV pose trajectory.
This code is released under a GPLv3 license.
If you use this code in an academic work, please cite the following paper (link):
title={A fully-automatic side-scan sonar simultaneous localization and mapping framework},
author={Zhang, Jun and Xie, Yiping and Ling, Li and Folkesson, John},
journal={IET Radar, Sonar \& Navigation},
publisher={Wiley Online Library}
We have tested the library in Ubuntu 20.04.5, but it should be easy to compile in other platforms.
We use some functionalities of c++11, and the tested gcc version is 9.4.0.
Download and install instructions can be found at: Required at least 1.65.0.
We use OpenCV to manipulate images and features. Download and install instructions can be found at: Tested with OpenCV 4.6.
Required by GTSAM (see below). Download and install instructions can be found at: Required at least 2.91.0.
We use gtsam library to perform non-linear optimizations. Tested with GTSAM 4.2
Clone the repository:
git clone diasss
We provide a CMakeLists.txt
to build the libraries.
Please make sure you have installed all required dependencies (see section 2).
Then Execute:
cd diasss
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
This will create
- at build folder,
and the executable test_demo in bin folder of the source path.
The command to run the executable file is:
../bin/./test_demo --image ../test_data/img-xml/ --pose ../test_data/pose-xml/ --altitude ../test_data/altitude/ --groundrange ../test_data/groundrange/ --annotation ../test_data/annos-xml/
- --image: the canonical transformed (or normal, should also work) side-scan image is saved in xml file of OpenCV (using the function cv::FileStorage()), in the size of NxM, where N is the number of pings, and M is the number of bins;
- --pose: the initial pose (dead-reckoning) is also saved in xml file, in size of Nx6 (roll,pitch,yaw,x,y,z).
- --altitude: the altitude of AUV is saved in txt, in the size of Nx1;
- --groundrange: the ground range of side-scan image is also saved in txt, in the size of (M/2)x1;
- --annotation: the ground truth annotation of keypoints (used for evaluation) is saved as xml file, in the size of Kx7 (source_img_id, target_img_id, u_source,v_source, u_target, v_target, prior_depth), and K is the number of keypoint correspondences. One could modify the code to ignored the annotation input if there are no annotations available.
The details of cannonical transformation for side-scan image can be found in SSS Canonical Representation. If you use the code of canonical transformation in an academic work, please cite the following paper (link):
author={Xu, Weiqi and Ling, Li and Xie, Yiping and Zhang, Jun and Folkesson, John},
booktitle={OCEANS 2023 - Limerick},
title={Evaluation of a Canonical Image Representation for Sidescan Sonar},