RESTful API for PostgreSQL
An easier way to query database
Table of Contents
The easiest way to install @linkfuture/pg-api is with npm
npm install @linkfuture/pg-api
const $config = {
"user": "postgres",
"host": "<hostname>",
"database": "<database>",
"password": "<password>",
"port": 5432,
"ssl": { rejectUnauthorized: false }
delete:false,//disable delete operation on user table, other operation will be available as default.
const $pgConnector = require("@linkfuture/pg-api");
// access through Restful API
const $pgApi = $pgConnector.api($config);
// access through NodeJs
const $pgQuery = $pgConnector.query($config);
let result = await $"user",{$where:{user_id:1}});
- Select by Primary Key
GET http://[host]/api/db/[table-name or view-name]/[id]
GET http://[host]/api/db/user/1
- Select by JSON Query
GET http://[host]/api/db/[table-name or view-name]?$q=[JSON QUERY]
GET http://[host]/api/db/user?$q={"$where":{"id":{"$any":[1,2,3]}}}
- Select by Query String
GET http://[host]/api/db/[table-name or view-name]?[ColumnName]=[ColumnValue]&$limit=10
GET http://[host]/api/db/user?age={"$gt":5,"$lt":50}&is_active=1&$limit=1
- Select in Node
const $pgQuery = $pgConnector.query($config);
let result = await $"user",{$where:{user_id:1}});
let result = await $pgQuery.selectOne("user",{$where:{user_id:1}});
let result = await $pgQuery.selectById("user",1);
- JSON Query Example
Normal Query
,"unknown_field2": {"$multiply":["age","price","price"]}
,"unknown_field3": {"$multiply":["age",{"$divide":["age","price"]}]}
,"unknown_field4": {"$divide":["age","price"]}
,"unknown_field5": {"$plus":["age","price"]}
,"unknown_field6": {"$minus":["age","price"]}
,"unknown_field7": {"$module":["age","price"]}
"display_name": "UNIT TEST",
"account": {"$similar":"account%"},
"account_id":{"$any": [4,3]},
{ "account":"test_1"},
{ "account":"test_2"}
,"$sort":{"data_registered":"DESC","account_id":"ASC" }
Group by Query
,"sum_operation": {"$sum":"age"}
,"sum_multiply_operation": {"$sum":{"$multiply":["age","price"]}}
,"count_operation": {"$count":1}
,"min_operation": {"$min":"age"}
,"max_operation": {"$max":"age"}
,"avg_operation": {"$avg":"age"}
"display_name": {"$like":"% display %"}
,"data_registered":{"$gt":"2015-09-30 21:21:31.647424+00"}
{ "account":"account_1"}
,{ "account":"account_2"}
,{"display_name": {"$similar":"my display name"}}
Distinct Query
- INSERT by JSON Query
POST http://[host]/api/db/[table-name]
POST http://[host]/api/db/user
,"password":"my passowrd"
,"display_name":"my display name"
,"date_registered":"2015-10-30 14:21:31.647424 -07:00:00"
,"struct":{"name":"full update","supplier_id":[10,50],"price":1.99}
POST http://[host]/api/db/[table-name]
POST http://[host]/api/db/user
,"password":"my passowrd"
,"display_name":"my display name"
,"date_registered":"2015-10-30 14:21:31.647424 -07:00:00"
,"password":"my passowrd"
,"display_name":"my display name"
,"date_registered":"2015-10-30 14:21:31.647424 -07:00:00"
- Insert in Node
const $pgQuery = $pgConnector.query($config);
let result = await $pgQuery.insert("user",[{"account":"my_account_1",,"password":"my passowrd"}}]);
The UPDATE action to be performed in case of a conflict,otherwise do insert.
Reference for more
- UPSERT by JSON Query
PUT http://[host]/api/db/[table-name]/[constraint_name]
PUT http://[host]/api/db/city/city_pkey
"id":1 //update if id is exist
,"countrycode":"my passowrd"
PUT http://[host]/api/db/[table-name]/[constraint_name]
PUT http://[host]/api/db/city/city_pkey
"id":1 //update if id is exist
,"countrycode":"my passowrd"
"id":2 //update if id is exist
,"countrycode":"my passowrd"
- Upsert in Node
const $pgQuery = $pgConnector.query($config);
let result = await $pgQuery.upsert("user",[{"account":"my_account_1",,"password":"my passowrd"}}],"city_pkey");
- Update by JSON Query
PATCH http://[host]/api/db/[table-name]
PATCH http://[host]/api/db/user
"display_name":"new name",
- Update in Node
const $pgQuery = $pgConnector.query($config);
let result = await $pgQuery.update("user",{"display_name":"new name","$where":{"id":{"$any":[1,2,3]}}}});
- Delete by Primary Key
DELETE http://[host]/api/db/[table-name or view-name]/[id]
DELETE http://[host]/api/db/user/1
- Delete by JSON Query (no need [$where])
DELETE http://[host]/api/db/[table-name]?$q=[JSON QUERY]
DELETE http://[host]/api/db/user?$q={"id":{"$any":[1,2,3]}}
- Delete by Query String
DELETE http://[host]/api/db/[table-name]?[ColumnName]=[ColumnValue]
DELETE http://[host]/api/db/user?age={"$gt":5,"$lt":50}&is_active=1
- Delete in Node
const $pgQuery = $pgConnector.query($config);
let result = await $pgQuery.delete("user",{"id":{"$any":[1,2,3]}});
let result = await $pgQuery.deleteById("user",1);
Query composite
GET http://[host]/api/db/composite/[composite name]
GET http://[host]/api/db/composite/type_struct
Query enum
GET http://[host]/api/db/enum/[enum name]
GET http://[host]/api/db/enum/type_gender
Query Function, you can pass params with specific arguments sequence or pass with object
GET http://[host]/api/func/[func name]?$params=<parameters>
GET http://[host]/api/func/f_table?$params=1&$params=999
GET http://[host]/api/func/f_table?_user_id=1&_company_id=999
//auto apply "_" on begin for better user experience
GET http://[host]/api/func/f_table?user_id=1&company_id=999
//auto add default value on function when specific on the code
GET http://[host]/api/func/f_table?user_id=1
POST http://[host]/api/func/f_table
POST http://[host]/api/func/f_table
POST http://[host]/api/func/f_table
SELECT * from f_table(1,999)
_user_id int,
_company_id int DEFAULT 1
For security reason, sometimes you may want to disable the operation on specific table, like disable delete operation on user table. You can leverage following configuration to reslove this issue.
By default, the API will enable all operations(select,delete,insert,update) on all tables and views
const $config = {
delete:false,//disable delete operation on user table
update:false, //disable update operation on user table
insert:false, //disable insert operation on user table
max_limit:5000, //set default select max results, by default is 1000
limit:12 //set default select limit, by default is 10
"type_struct":false //disable type_struct composite query,
"type_gender":false //disable type_gender enum query,
"f_check_error":false //disable f_check_error function query,
async onRequest:function () {
$"onRequest =>",JSON.stringify(arguments));
async on_select_city_request:function () {
$"on_select_city_request =>",JSON.stringify(arguments));
"custom":{ //custom query, you can define your own script with transaction
"select * from public.user where account_id=${id};",
"select * from where id=${cityId}",
"insert into public.user(account,display_name) VALUES(${name1},${display_name1}),(${name2},${display_name2}) returning account_id",
"update public.user set display_name = ${updated_display_name} where account=${name1}",
"delete from public.user where account=${deletename}",
Events life cycle, you can catch on either global level (i.e onRequest) or specific action level(i.e on_select_city_request).
Request => Build => Query => Complete
- Request: when api load
- Build: before build TSQL and verify column and parameters
- Query: before db operation
- Complete: after DB operation
async onRequest:function () {
$"onRequest =>",JSON.stringify(arguments));
async on_city_request:function () {
$"on_city_request =>",JSON.stringify(arguments));
async on_select_city_request:function () {
$"on_select_city_request =>",JSON.stringify(arguments));
async onBuild:function () {
$"onBuild =>",JSON.stringify(arguments));
async on_city_build:function () {
$"on_city_build =>",JSON.stringify(arguments));
async on_select_city_build:function () {
$"on_select_city_build =>",JSON.stringify(arguments));
async onQuery:function () {
$"onQuery =>",JSON.stringify(arguments));
async on_city_query:function () {
$"on_city_query =>",JSON.stringify(arguments));
async on_select_city_query:function () {
$"on_select_city_query =>",JSON.stringify(arguments));
async onComplete:function () {
$"onComplete =>",JSON.stringify(arguments));
async on_city_complete:function () {
$"on_select_city_complete =>",JSON.stringify(arguments));
async on_select_city_complete:function () {
$"on_select_city_complete =>",JSON.stringify(arguments));
async on_delete_city_complete:function () {
$"on_delete_city_complete =>",JSON.stringify(arguments));
const $pgConnector = require("@linkfuture/pg-api");
const $repository = await $;
//if we have user table or view
$<json query>);
$repository.tables.user.insert(<json query>);
//if we have type_struct composite
//if we have type_gender composite
- $q
- $or
- $where
- $sort
- $limit
- $offset
- $group
- $gt
- $gte
- $lt
- $lte
- $ne
- $like
- $ilike
- $similar
- $contain
- $any
- $between
- $in
- $multiply
- $divide
- $plus
- $minus
- $module
- $sum
- $count
- $min
- $max
- $avg
- $distinct
- $disableCount
disable select count for pagination in order to improve select performance, default is false.
Column name it will be ignore if the column name does not exist in current table, but the query will be continue.
Bit Bool type will auto convert to bit if the column type is bit.
Node 7+ Only The library is writen on Node 7+, heavily use await/async.