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OispaHallaLeaderboard backend

NodeJS/Express/Mongoose leaderboard backend for OispaHalla


Install dependencies with yarn install and run the server with yarn dev. If you want, use yarn dev:debug to run the server with debugging enabled on port 1234.

Alternatively build the project with yarn build and run the compiled code with yarn start.

Please run yarn format before committing.


Environment variables

The following environment variables can be used to configure the server:

  • ADMIN_TOKEN - Token used to authenticate admin requests
  • MONGO_URI - URI to MongoDB database, if left blank the server will create an in-memory database with mongodb-memory-server
  • PAPERTRAIL_SERVER and PAPERTRAIL_PORT - If set, logs will be sent to Papertrail
  • PORT - Defaults to 5000

This project uses dotenv to load environment variables from a .env file at the root of the project.


GET - /alive Returns a 200 status code if the server is alive.

/scores route

Every request to the /scores route is in the format of /scores/size/(size) where the size is the board size. The size can be either 3 or 4 by default (defined in /src/routes/scores.ts).

GET - /scores/size/(size)/ Returns all scores for the given size.

GET - /scores/size/(size)/(maxnum) - GET Returns the top maxnum scores for the given size.

GET - /scores/size/(size)/count Returns the number of scores for the given size.

GET/POST - /scores/size/(size)/token/(token?) Returns the score for the given size and Firebase token. The token should be in the body for a POST request, or in the query for a GET request.

GET/POST - /scores/size/(size)/fetchboard/(maxnum)/(token?) Returns the top maxnum scores for the given size, the score for the Firebase token, and "rivals" of the user. The token should be in the body for a POST request, or in the query for a GET request. The POST request should be in the format of:

  "token": "(token?)",
  "rankplus": (rankplus?), // represents the number of ranks above the user's rank to include (=worse scores)
  "rankminus": (rankminus?) // represents the number of ranks below the user's rank to include (= better scores)

POST - /scores/size/(size)/ Adds a new score to the database. The request should be in the format of:

  "user": {
    "screnName": "(screenName)", // can be used to update the user's current name
    "token": "(token)"
  "score": (score),
  "breaks": (breaks), // currently not validated since the frontend doesn't keep track of breaks, so the leaderboard uses the one returned by HAC
  "history": "(history)"

A successful request should return a 201 status code and the following body:

  "message": "Score created successfully",
  "createdScore": (the score that has been created, including the user and hash information)
  "nameChanged": (true if the user's name has been updated, false otherwise)

/admin route

All admin requests should have the query parameter token set to an admin token e.g. /admin/user/name/jukkapekka?token=abcd.

Admin tokens are validated either against the ADMIN_TOKEN env variable (if set) or the admin field from token validation.

GET - /admin/user/(id/uid/name)/(value) Returns the user by user MongoDB _id, user Firebase uid, or username.

GET - /admin/score/size/(size)/id/(id) Returns a score by score MongoDB _id.

/meta route

GET - /meta/verifyname/(name)/uid/(uid) Returns a valid boolean indicating whether the given name is available for the given user and if the name doesn't contain any profanity.

POST - /meta/changename/(token?) Changes the user's name to the given name. The request should be in the format of:

  "token": "(token?)",
  "name": "(name)"