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Usage Example

Hamad Almarri edited this page May 20, 2017 · 1 revision

to run:
or run manually:
java -jar biscuit.jar

Biscuit will create a folder under your home directory named biscuit.

  • dashboard.json file will be created as the root file that has all projects information under biscuit folder
  • for each new project, projectName.json file will be created as well under biscuit folder
Dashboard~$ add project 
project name: firstProject

(\q to end writing)
That is my first project

Project "firstProject" has been added!
Dashboard~$ go_to 
Dashboard~$ go_to project firstProject 
Dashboard>firstProject~$ go_to 
Dashboard>firstProject~$ go_to backlog 
Dashboard>firstProject>backlog~$ add user_story 
title: us1

(\q to end writing)
as developer, I have to show a demonstration

business value:
(hit Tab to see valid values)

average        good           great          must_have      nice_to_have   

business value:
(hit Tab to see valid values)

(hit Tab to see an example)

0    1    13   2    21   3    5    8    

(hit Tab to see an example)

User Story "us1" has been added to the backlog!
Dashboard>firstProject>backlog~$ add user_story 
title: us2

(\q to end writing)
another one

business value:
(hit Tab to see valid values)

(hit Tab to see an example)

User Story "us2" has been added to the backlog!
Dashboard>firstProject>backlog~$ list user_stories 
Dashboard>firstProject>backlog~$ list user_stories 

|                                                                     Backlog (User Stories)                                                                     |
| Title | Description                                  | State | Business Value | Initiated Date | Planned Date |  Due Date   | Tasks # |         Points         |
| us1   | as developer, I have to show a demonstration | OPEN  |   MUST_HAVE    | May. 19, 2017  | Not set yet  | Not set yet |    0    |           5            |
|       |                                              |       |                |                |              |             |         |                        |
| us2   | another one                                  | OPEN  |     GREAT      | May. 19, 2017  | Not set yet  | Not set yet |    0    |           2            |
|       |                                              |       |                |                |              |             |         |                        |
| Total: 2                                                                                                                                                       |

Dashboard>firstProject>backlog~$ list user_stories filter must

|                                                                     Backlog (User Stories)                                                                     |
| Title | Description                                  | State | Business Value | Initiated Date | Planned Date |  Due Date   | Tasks # |         Points         |
| us1   | as developer, I have to show a demonstration | OPEN  |   MUST_HAVE    | May. 19, 2017  | Not set yet  | Not set yet |    0    |           5            |
|       |                                              |       |                |                |              |             |         |                        |
| Total: 1                                                                                                                                                       |

Dashboard>firstProject>backlog~$ list user_stories sort 
business_value   description      due_date         initiated_date   planned_date     points           state            tasks            title            
Dashboard>firstProject>backlog~$ list user_stories sort points 

|                                                                     Backlog (User Stories)                                                                     |
| Title | Description                                  | State | Business Value | Initiated Date | Planned Date |  Due Date   | Tasks # |         Points         |
| us2   | another one                                  | OPEN  |     GREAT      | May. 19, 2017  | Not set yet  | Not set yet |    0    |           2            |
|       |                                              |       |                |                |              |             |         |                        |
| us1   | as developer, I have to show a demonstration | OPEN  |   MUST_HAVE    | May. 19, 2017  | Not set yet  | Not set yet |    0    |           5            |
|       |                                              |       |                |                |              |             |         |                        |
| Total: 2                                                                                                                                                       |

Dashboard>firstProject>backlog~$ list user_stories sort points 

|                                                                     Backlog (User Stories)                                                                     |
| Title | Description                                  | State | Business Value | Initiated Date | Planned Date |  Due Date   | Tasks # |         Points         |
| us1   | as developer, I have to show a demonstration | OPEN  |   MUST_HAVE    | May. 19, 2017  | Not set yet  | Not set yet |    0    |           5            |
|       |                                              |       |                |                |              |             |         |                        |
| us2   | another one                                  | OPEN  |     GREAT      | May. 19, 2017  | Not set yet  | Not set yet |    0    |           2            |
|       |                                              |       |                |                |              |             |         |                        |
| Total: 2                                                                                                                                                       |

Dashboard>firstProject>backlog~$ back
Dashboard>firstProject~$ add 
release      sprint       user_story   
Dashboard>firstProject~$ add sprint 
name: s1

(\q to end writing)
first sprint

start date:
(hit Tab to see examples)
(optional: leave it blank and hit enter)

jan      feb      march    april    may      jun      jul      aug      sep      oct      nov      dec      

start date:
(hit Tab to see examples)
(optional: leave it blank and hit enter)
1    10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   2    20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   3    4    5    6    7    8    9    

start date:
(hit Tab to see examples)
(optional: leave it blank and hit enter)
may 19 201
2015   2016   2017   2018   2019   

start date:
(hit Tab to see examples)
(optional: leave it blank and hit enter)
may 19 2017
duration: (optional: leave it blank and hit enter)
veloctiy: 8

Sprint "s1" has been added!
Dashboard>firstProject~$ sprints

|                                          Unplanned Sprints                                          |
| Name | Description  |  State  |  Start Date   |   Due Date    | Assigned Effort |     Velocity      |
| s1   | first sprint | CREATED | May. 19, 2017 | Jun. 01, 2017 |        0        |         8         |
|      |              |         |               |               |                 |                   |
| Total: 1                                                                                            |

Dashboard>firstProject~$ add release
name: r1

(\q to end writing)
first release

start date:
(hit Tab to see examples)
(optional: leave it blank and hit enter)
may 20 2017

due date:
(hit Tab to see examples)
(optional: leave it blank and hit enter)
jan 1 2017
due date must be after start date

due date:
(hit Tab to see examples)
(optional: leave it blank and hit enter)
dec 15 2017

Release "r1" has been added!
Dashboard>firstProject~$ releases 

|                                     Releases                                     |
| Name | Description   |  State  |  Start Date   |   Due Date    | Assigned Effort |
| r1   | first release | CREATED | May. 20, 2017 | Dec. 15, 2017 |        0        |
|      |               |         |               |               |                 |
| Total: 1                                                                         |

Dashboard>firstProject~$ go_to 
Dashboard>firstProject~$ go_to user_story us
us1   us2   
Dashboard>firstProject~$ go_to user_story us1
Dashboard>firstProject>us1~$ add task 
title: t1

(\q to end writing)
first task

estimated time (in hours):
(hit Tab to see an example)

1      1.5    2      2.25   3      

estimated time (in hours):
(hit Tab to see an example)

Task "t1" has been added!
Dashboard>firstProject>us1~$ tasks

| Title | Description | State | Initiated Date | Planned Date |  Due Date   | Estimated Time |
| t1    | first task  | OPEN  | May. 19, 2017  | Not set yet  | Not set yet |      1.5       |
|       |             |       |                |              |             |                |
| Total: 1                                                                                   |

Dashboard>firstProject>us1~$ back
Dashboard>firstProject~$ go_to 
Dashboard>firstProject~$ go_to planner 
Dashboard>firstProject>planner~$ user_stories 

|                                                                     All User Stories                                                                     |
| Title | Description                                  | State | Business Value | Initiated Date | Planned Date |  Due Date   | Tasks # |      Points      |
| us1   | as developer, I have to show a demonstration | OPEN  |   MUST_HAVE    | May. 19, 2017  | Not set yet  | Not set yet |    1    |        5         |
|       |                                              |       |                |                |              |             |         |                  |
| us2   | another one                                  | OPEN  |     GREAT      | May. 19, 2017  | Not set yet  | Not set yet |    0    |        2         |
|       |                                              |       |                |                |              |             |         |                  |
| Total: 2                                                                                                                                                 |

Dashboard>firstProject>planner~$ sprints 

|                                          Sprints                                           |
| Name | Description  |  State  |  Start Date   |   Due Date    | Assigned Effort | Velocity |
| s1   | first sprint | CREATED | May. 19, 2017 | Jun. 01, 2017 |        0        |    8     |
|      |              |         |               |               |                 |          |
| Total: 1                                                                                   |

Dashboard>firstProject>planner~$ move us
us1   us2   
Dashboard>firstProject>planner~$ move us1 to s1
User Story "us1" has been moved to sprint s1!
Dashboard>firstProject>planner~$ move us2 to s1
User Story "us2" has been moved to sprint s1!
Dashboard>firstProject>planner~$ plan 
Dashboard>firstProject>planner~$ plan 
########## PLAN ##########
 └ r1


 ├ s1
 | ├ us1
 | └ us2
Dashboard>firstProject>planner~$ move s1 to r1
Sprint "s1" has been moved to release r1!
Dashboard>firstProject>planner~$ plan 
Dashboard>firstProject>planner~$ plan 
########## PLAN ##########
 ├ r1
 | ├ s1
 | | ├ us1
 | | └ us2


Dashboard>firstProject>planner~$ plan 
Dashboard>firstProject>planner~$ plan details 

|                                                                          PLAN -> PROJECT: firstProject                                                                           |
|                                                                                  RELEASE: r1                                                                                   |
| Name                                                                            |  Description   |     State     |  Start Date   |   Due Date    |        Assigned Effort        |
| r1                                                                              | first release  |    CREATED    | May. 20, 2017 | Dec. 15, 2017 |               7               |
|                                                                                 |                |               |               |               |                               |
|                                                                                 r1 -> Sprint: s1                                                                                 |
| Name                                                           | Description    |     State      |   Velocity    |  Start Date   |   Due Date    |        Assigned Effort        |
| s1                                                             |  first sprint  |    PLANNED     |       8       | May. 19, 2017 | Jun. 01, 2017 |               7               |
|                                                                |                |                |               |               |               |                               |
|                                                                                s1 -> User Stories                                                                                |
| Title |                 Description                  | State   | Business Value | Initiated Date | Planned Date  |   Due Date    |    Tasks #    |            points             |
| us1   | as developer, I have to show a demonstration | PLANNED |   MUST_HAVE    | May. 19, 2017  | May. 19, 2017 |  Not set yet  |       1       |               5               |
|       |                                              |         |                |                |               |               |               |                               |
| us2   | another one                                  | PLANNED |     GREAT      | May. 19, 2017  | May. 19, 2017 |  Not set yet  |       0       |               2               |
|       |                                              |         |                |                |               |               |               |                               |

Dashboard>firstProject>planner~$ exit
See ya!

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