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What Is Hammock?

John Ament edited this page Aug 31, 2016 · 1 revision

What Is Hammock?

Hammock is a lightweight microservices runtime that focuses on integrating Java EE based technologies together with other types of frameworks to help build a best of breed solution to build out your applications.

The core of Hammock is CDI, specifically the Weld runtime. Its a great runtime, fast, and feature rich. Hammock adds CDI integration to a bunch of frameworks, and supports existing integrations. Some frameworks require no integration, like JPA, where that's provided out of the box by DeltaSpike. A lot of the work is similar to Spring Boot, where its simply a series of extra maven coordinates and out of the box integrations.

How does Hammock Relate to Microprofile?

Hammock provides an out of the box distribution that mirrors Microprofile's v1, leveraging Undertow, Apache CXF, Apache Johnzon, and JBoss Weld to bring JAX-RS, CDI and JSON-P support. This format is an uber-jar, but can also be run with a normal classpath.

What is Hammock not?

Hammock is not an application server. It has no concept of EJB support, it doesn't support any of the management extensions or deployment requirements. It doesn't run WAR files, it uses uber-jars to have a simple executable or can be deployed exploded.