Releases: hankmorgan/UnderworldExporter
Dev Environment 1
This is a release of the Unity Development folder. For the forseeable future any releases will be of just this folder at
This is to allow others to see more under the hood.
To use.
Install Unity 2020 if needed
Unzip the folder.
Open in Unity
Adjust paths in config.ini to point to the full installation folder for UW1 or 2.
Project compatable with Unity 2020.3.15.f2
Welcome to Underworld Exporter (UWE) -> Ultima Underworld 1 & 2 in Unity.
Release 1.09
0 - Notes on this release
1 - Game Support
2 - Installation and Configuration
3 - Controls
4 - Gameplay
5 - In-game editor
6 - Known issues and bugs
7 - Credits and acknowledgements
0 - Notes on this release
-This is a maintenance and bugfix update to release 1.08.
-New features/changes
- Automatic door key Usage (enabled in config.ini)
- Clickable conversation options
- Restoration of loading of modded textures.
- In game editor disabled in this release due to interface bugs. Will likely phase this out in favour of the standalone Underworld Editor that is WIP.
1 Games Supported
The following Looking Glass Studios games are supported to various levels. Original game files are required to play however in the interests of full disclosure some UI assets and sound effects are bundled with this download.
1.1 Ultima Underworld 1 (UW1).
UW1 is fully supported and can be completed from start to finish. Save games are both forward and backwardly compatable with the original dos version.
1.2 Ultima Undeworld 1 Demo Version (UW0)
UW0 is a freely available demo of the first level of UW1. It is fully supported with the following exceptions:
-The rolling demo is not supported.
-Weapon animations are not currently working (combat still works)
1.3 Ultima Underworld 2 (UW2)
UW2 is partially supported with fuller support to come in time.
1.4 System Shock 1 (SHOCK)
SHOCK is currently enabled in a map viewer mode. Developement of any SS1 focused releases has been postponed pending completion of Underworld 1&2.
1.4 Terra Nove Strike Force Centrauri (TNOVA)
TNOVA is implemented as a side project map-viewer. There are no plans to develop this game any further.
2 Installation and Configuration
2.1 Setup
The same executable is used for all games.
Download the zip file and extract it to any location you wish.
In the extracted folder open the config.ini file.
For each game there is a different config variable for the game paths. EG Path_UW1 for Underworld 1. Edit the file path to match the folder where the original game is located.
Eg If the UW1 executable uw.exe is at c:\games\uw1\uw.exe then you should enter c:\games\uw1\ in the path file next to Path_UW1
Launch the game by running the underworld exporter.exe executable.
When you launch the splash screen should detail the games found and the paths recorded for them.
Click on a game icon to launch.
UW1 and UW2 will take you to the main menu.
UW0 will take you straight to the game world.
For SHOCK and TNOVA you can select a level to load from the drop down boxes.
*If you own the versions you may need to extract the game files first. In the gog game folder find the file game.gog. Extract it using 7-zip or your file extractor of choice and point your paths to the game folders within this extracted data.
2.2 Soundtrack
In release 1.05 the music files have been put into an external folder. This allows the use of custom soundtracks. A number of prebuilt sound tracks have been uploaded and these are
- The PSX release of the soundtrack
- An Sound blaster style soundtrack
- A midi soundtrack.
To enable a sound track open config.ini and find the UW1_Soundbank setting. Enter the path to the folder containing the music.
The music files must be in .ogg format and named 01.ogg to 15.ogg Refer to the SB16 soundtrack for exact files to use.
3 The following are the default controls
Movement - WASD
Jump - Spare
Toggle mouselook* - E
Cast selected spell* - Q
Toggle fullscreen* - F (some ui elements are draggable in fullscreen mode)
Interaction modes* F1 to F6.
Fly Up* - R
Fly down* = V
Track* = T
Charge Attack - Hold down right mouse key
Release Attack - Release right mouse key.
In game a context sensitive overlay will tell you what a right or left click will do when hovering over an object.
*These controls can be edited by changing the values in the config.ini file. Other standard controls are managed by the Unity launcher. Mouse sensitivity and axis settings can be configured from the config.ini
4 Gameplay
4.1 Getting Started with UW1
When you load up UW1 you will be at the main menu. There are 6 options here Introduction, Create Character, Journey Onwards, Acknowledgements, SpeedStart and Enable Editor.
Select Create Character if you want to play the game properly. Select Journey onwards if you want to load a save game,
When you arrive in the underworld you will be in the inventory interaction mode. Pressing E will allow you to toggle between interaction and mouse look modes.
You will see a bag in front of you. Enter interaction mode or aim at it in inventory mode and right click on it to pick it up.
Drag the bag onto one of your inventory slots and left click to place.
In the inventory left click on the bag to open. You will see the following items
Dagger - Drag this onto the left or right hand slot on the paperdoll. The handedness you selected in character generation controls which is the correct hand to use.
Torch - Click on the torch and it will light up in a free slot.
Map - Click on this to get your location. Clicking anywhere on the map allows you to add map notes.
Clicking the icon of the opened bag allows you to close the container.
Look around you. You will see a sign on the wall. Switch to look mode (Eyeball button) to read it.
Move down the hall. Take a left, another left and follow the path until you see two runestones (Ort and Jux) on the ground. Pick these up.
Go Right and in the corner of the next room you will see a backpack. Pick it up and open it.
In the bag you will see a rune bag. Drag the rune bag to a free slot on your paperdoll.
Drag and drop all the rune stones you have onto the runebag and the will be added to your available runes. Open the runebag to see what you have.
If you created a character with magic skills you can try and cast a spell now
Select the Runes Ort and Jux (in that order). Right clicking the runes will tell you what each one is. The runes will appear on the shelf next to the compass.
Either click on the shelf or press Q to cast the spell.
This spell is Magic Arrow and will change your cursor into a ring. Aim with the mouse and when you are ready to fire right click to launch the magic spell.
In the Bagpack you will also see a key. Left click on it and your cursor will change to match the key. Move to the door and left click on it. This will unlock the door.
Move through the door and up to the next room. In the next room you will see an outcast.
Left click on the outcast to talk to them. In conversations use the number keys to select your answers.
WHen you have finished the conversation turn around and in the corner of the room you will see a bedroll. Take it with you.
Move on to the next room and follow the slope down to your left.
Pressing space at the game will allow you to jump over the small gap.
On the island across the stream you will see a hostile rotworm.
Cross over the water and draw your weapon by either left clicking on your weapon, pressing F5 or clicking the sword icon on the left.
Charge your attack by holding down the right mouse key. Point the mouse cursor at the worm and release the attack by lifting the key. Repeat until the worm is dead.
Put your weapon away by clicking on the sword and look at the wall. You will see a switch.
Click on it and the nearby door will open granting you some more access to the level. You can also go back to where you started and take another path. The choice is yours.
Looking at walls using the "Look" interaction mode is required to find some secrets.
The silver tree is found on the first level and will resurrect you when you die if you replant it.
Things will be easier for you if you find the ring of leviation or ring of leap.
4.2 Combat Mechanics
The following is how combat is implemented based on my understanding of the skill systems as described in this article
NPCs have an attack and defence score defined by their object properties.
The player has an attack score which is their attack skill plus half their current weapon skill
The player has a defence score which is their defence skill plus half their current weapon skill
The defenders defense score and the attacks attack score are calculated to give a ToHit score. (defence-attack) = toHit. This score is never less than 0 or greater than 29. A random dice roll of 1-30 is taken and this determines if the hit is sucessful.
If a hit is scored the damage is taken off the defender.
If the attacker is a player then the damage is the weapon swing type damage score by the percentage attack charge built up.
If the attack is an NPC then the damage is a random 1 to max damage score.
Npcs have an equipment damage score. This less the players total armour score is applied as a single point of damage to a random piece of armour.
Spell, Weapon and armour enchantments and scores can further change these values.
Protection enchantments increase defence
Accuracy enchantments increase attack score
Toughness enchantments reduce damage.
Durability enchantments reduce equipment damage sustained
4.3 Trading
Trading with NPCs is not currently calculating a value to the items traded. To make a trade with an npc just offer any item and and keep trying until they accept.
5 In Game Editor
An ingame editor is bundled for experimentation. The following can be achieved with this
-Edit maps
-Edit objects and NPCs
Release 1.08 - The Dripper
Updated Windows (64 bit) release with more UW2 support. See previous release instructions for installation guide and download links for other items such as sound packs.
Narvey Night-Eyes
Welcome to Underworld Exporter (UWE) -> Ultima Underworld 1 & 2 in Unity.
Release 1.07d 24 Feb 2018
0 - Notes on this release
1 - Game Support
2 - Installation and Configuration
3 - Controls
4 - Game-play
5 - In-game editor
6 - Known issues and bugs
7 - Credits and acknowledgements
0 - Notes on this release
- AI has been overhauled in this release.
- Vanilla save-game compatibility has been improved.
- Game load times have improved.
- NPC poisoning has been restored. Narvey Night-eyes will shove your s*** in if you have low defence.
1 Games Supported
The following Looking Glass Studios games are supported to various levels. Original game files are absolutley required to play however in the interests of full disclosure some UI assets and sound effects are bundled with this download.
1.1 Ultima Underworld 1 (UW1).
UW1 is fully supported and can be completed from start to finish. Save games are both forward and backwardly compatable with the original dos version.
1.2 Ultima Underworld 1 Demo Version (UW0)
UW0 is a freely available demo of the first level of UW1. It is fully supported with the following exceptions:
-The rolling demo is not supported.
-Weapon animations are not currently working (combat still works)
1.3 Ultima Underworld 2 (UW2)
UW2 is partially supported with full support to come in time.
-Game saves (loading of vanilla saves is possible)
-Some traps and triggers are not implemented.
-Many new conversation functions are not implemented
-UW2 specific HUD is not implemented.
1.4 System Shock 1 (SHOCK)
SHOCK is currently enabled in a map viewer mode. Development of any SS1 focused releases has been postponed pending completion of Underworld 1&2.
1.4 Terra Nove Strike Force Centauri (TNOVA)
TNOVA is implemented as a side project map-viewer. There are no plans to develop this game any further.
2 Installation and Configuration
2.1 Setup
The same executable is used for all games.
Download the corresponding zip file for your operating system and extract it to any location you wish. (eg c:\games\uwe\)
Windows 64 bit =
Linux 32/64 bit = *This build lags behind the windows version.
In the extracted folder open the config.ini file.
For each game there is a different config variable for the game paths. EG Path_UW1 for Underworld 1. Edit the file path to match the folder where the original game is located.
Eg If the original UW1 executable uw.exe is at c:\games\uw1\uw.exe then you should enter c:\games\uw1\ in the path file next to Path_UW1. Don't forget the trailing slash \ or / depending on your platform
Launch the exporter by running the uwe.exe executable in Windows or uwe linux.x86 in Linux.
When you launch the splash screen should detail the games found and the paths recorded for them.
Click on a game icon to launch.
UW1 and UW2 will take you to the main menu.
UW0 will take you straight to the game world.
For SHOCK and TNOVA you can select a level to load from the drop down boxes.
*If you own the versions you may need to extract the game files first. In the gog game folder find the file game.gog. Extract it using 7-zip or your file extractor of choice and point your paths to the game folders in this extracted data.
2.2 Soundtrack
In release 1.05 the music files have been put into an external folder. This allows the use of custom soundtracks. A number of prebuilt sound tracks have been uploaded in the file and these are
- The PSX release of the soundtrack
- An Sound blaster style soundtrack
- A midi soundtrack.
To enable a sound track open config.ini and find the UW1_Soundbank setting. Enter the path to the folder containing the music.
The music files must be in .ogg format and named 01.ogg to 15.ogg Refer to the SB16 soundtrack for exact files to use.
3 The following are the default controls
Movement - WASD
Jump - Spare
Toggle mouselook* - E
Cast selected spell* - Q
Toggle fullscreen* - F (some ui elements are draggable in fullscreen mode)
Interaction modes* F1 to F6.
Fly Up* - R
Fly down* = V
Track* = T
Charge Attack - Hold down right mouse key
Release Attack - Release right mouse key.
In game a context sensitive overlay will tell you what a right or left click will do when hovering over an object.
*These controls can be edited by changing the values in the config.ini file. Other standard controls are managed by the Unity launcher. Mouse sensitivity and axis settings can be configured from the config.ini
4 Gameplay
4.1 Getting Started with UW1
When you load up UW1 you will be at the main menu. There are 6 options here Introduction, Create Character, Journey Onwards, Acknowledgements, SpeedStart and Enable Editor.
Select Create Character if you want to play the game properly. Select Journey onwards if you want to load a save game, Speedstart will immediately launch you into the game with a cheat character that has full stats, runestones and 255 health and mana.
When you arrive in the underworld you will be in the inventory interaction mode. Pressing E will allow you to toggle between interaction and mouse look modes.
You will see a bag in front of you. Enter interaction mode or aim at it in inventory mode and right click on it to pick it up.
Drag the bag onto one of your inventory slots and left click to place.
In the inventory left click on the bag to open. You will see the following items
Dagger - Drag this onto the left or right hand slot on the paperdoll. The handedness you selected in character generation controls which is the correct hand to use.
Torch - Click on the torch and it will light up in a free slot.
Map - Click on this to get your location. Clicking anywhere on the map allows you to add map notes.
Clicking the icon of the opened bag allows you to close the container.
Look around you. You will see a sign on the wall. Switch to look mode (Eyeball button) to read it.
Move down the hall. Take a left, another left and follow the path until you see two runestones (Ort and Jux) on the ground. Pick these up.
Go Right and in the corner of the next room you will see a backpack. Pick it up and open it.
In the bag you will see a rune bag. Drag the rune bag to a free slot on your paperdoll.
Drag and drop all the rune stones you have onto the runebag and the will be added to your available runes. Open the runebag to see what you have.
If you created a character with magic skills you can try and cast a spell now
Select the Runes Ort and Jux (in that order). Right clicking the runes will tell you what each one is. The runes will appear on the shelf next to the compass.
Either click on the shelf or press Q to cast the spell.
This spell is Magic Arrow and will change your cursor into a ring. Aim with the mouse and when you are ready to fire right click to launch the magic spell.
In the Bagpack you will also see a key. Left click on it and your cursor will change to match the key. Move to the door and left click on it. This will unlock the door.
Move through the door and up to the next room. In the next room you will see an outcast.
Left click on the outcast to talk to them. In conversations use the number keys to select your answers.
When you have finished the conversation turn around and in the corner of the room you will see a bedroll. Take it with you.
Move on to the next room and follow the slope down to your left.
Pressing space at the game will allow you to jump over the small gap.
On the island across the stream you will see a hostile rotworm.
Cross over the water and draw your weapon by either left clicking on your weapon, pressing F5 or clicking the sword icon on the left.
Charge your attack by holding down the right mouse key. Point the mouse cursor at the worm and release the attack by lifting the key. Repeat until the worm is dead.
Put your weapon away by clicking on the sword and look at the wall. You will see a switch.
Click on it and the nearby door will open granting you some more access to the level. You can also go back to where you started and take another path. The choice is yours.
Looking at walls using the "Look" interaction mode is required to find some secrets.
The silver tree is found on the first level and will resurrect you when you die if you replant it.
Things will be easier for you if you find the ring of leviation or ring of leap.
4.2 Combat Mechanics
The following is how combat is implemented based on my understanding of the skill systems as described in this article
NPCs have an attack and defence score defined by their object properties.
The player has an attack score which is their attack skill plus half their current weapon skill
The player has a defence score which is their defence skill plus half their current weapon skill
The defenders defense score and the attacks attack score are calculated to give a ToHit score. (defence-attack) = toHit. This score is never less than 0 or greater than 29. A random dice roll of 1-30 is taken and this determines if the hit is sucessful.
If a hit is scored the damage is taken off the defender.
If the attacker is a player then the damage is the weapon swing type damage score by the percentage attack charge built up.
If the attack is an NPC then the damage is a random 1 to max damage score.
Npcs have an equipment damage score. This less the players total armour score is applied as a single point of damage to a random piece of armour.
Spell, Weapon and armour enchantments and scores can further change these values.
Protection enchantments increase defence
Accuracy enchantments increase attack score
Toughness enchantments reduce damage.
Durability enchantments redu...
Welcome to Underworld Exporter (UWE) -> Ultima Underworld 1 & 2 in Unity.
Release 1.06c 14 Feb 2018
0 - Notes on this release
1 - Game Support
2 - Installation and Configuration
3 - Controls
4 - Gameplay
5 - In-game editor
6 - Known issues and bugs
7 - Credits and acknowledgements
0 - Notes on this release
- This release now adds Linux support. This is largely untested. See linux.txt in the release files for brief details.
- This release now uses Unity's built in AI instead of RainAI. Although AI behaviour in general is better there may still be unforeseen AI behaviour.
- This release is on an updated version of Unity from previous releases.
- This release includes one major new feature. The ability to load a custom soundtrack. Please read below for details.
- Previous releases pre 1.05 had serious bugs with regards to the saving of wand objects in the inventory. If you are continuing an old save then please throw your wands into the nearest pool of water.
- Due to ongoing work with implementing a linux build please make sure the paths in the config.ini file are terminated with a slash.
1 Games Supported
The following Looking Glass Studios games are supported to various levels. Original game files are absolutley required to play however in the interests of full disclosure some UI assets and sound effects are bundled with this download.
1.1 Ultima Underworld 1 (UW1).
UW1 is fully supported and can be completed from start to finish. Save games are both forward and backwardly compatable with the original dos version.
1.2 Ultima Undeworld 1 Demo Version (UW0)
UW0 is a freely available demo of the first level of UW1. It is fully supported with the following exceptions:
-The rolling demo is not supported.
-Weapon animations are not currently working (combat still works)
1.3 Ultima Underworld 2 (UW2)
UW2 is partially supported with full support to come in time.
-Game saves (loading of vanilla saves is possible)
-Some traps and triggers are not implemented.
-Many new conversation functions are not implemented
-UW2 specific HUD is not implemented.
1.4 System Shock 1 (SHOCK)
SHOCK is currently enabled in a map viewer mode. Developement of any SS1 focused releases has been postponed pending completion of Underworld 1&2.
1.4 Terra Nove Strike Force Centrauri (TNOVA)
TNOVA is implemented as a side project map-viewer. There are no plans to develop this game any further.
2 Installation and Configuration
2.1 Setup
The same executable is used for all games.
Download the corresponding zip file for your operating system and extract it to any location you wish. (eg c:\games\uwe\)
Windows 64 bit =
Linux 32/64 bit =
In the extracted folder open the config.ini file.
For each game there is a different config variable for the game paths. EG Path_UW1 for Underworld 1. Edit the file path to match the folder where the original game is located.
Eg If the original UW1 executable uw.exe is at c:\games\uw1\uw.exe then you should enter c:\games\uw1\ in the path file next to Path_UW1
Launch the exporter by running the uwe.exe executable in Windows or uwe linux.x86 in Linux.
When you launch the splash screen should detail the games found and the paths recorded for them.
Click on a game icon to launch.
UW1 and UW2 will take you to the main menu.
UW0 will take you straight to the game world.
For SHOCK and TNOVA you can select a level to load from the drop down boxes.
*If you own the versions you may need to extract the game files first. In the gog game folder find the file game.gog. Extract it using 7-zip or your file extractor of choice and point your paths to the game folders within this extracted data.
2.2 Soundtrack
In release 1.05 the music files have been put into an external folder. This allows the use of custom soundtracks. A number of prebuilt sound tracks have been uploaded and these are
- The PSX release of the soundtrack
- An Sound blaster style soundtrack
- A midi soundtrack.
To enable a sound track open config.ini and find the UW1_Soundbank setting. Enter the path to the folder containing the music.
The music files must be in .ogg format and named 01.ogg to 15.ogg Refer to the SB16 soundtrack for exact files to use.
3 The following are the default controls
Movement - WASD
Jump - Spare
Toggle mouselook* - E
Cast selected spell* - Q
Toggle fullscreen* - F (some ui elements are draggable in fullscreen mode)
Interaction modes* F1 to F6.
Fly Up* - R
Fly down* = V
Track* = T
Charge Attack - Hold down right mouse key
Release Attack - Release right mouse key.
In game a context sensitive overlay will tell you what a right or left click will do when hovering over an object.
*These controls can be edited by changing the values in the config.ini file. Other standard controls are managed by the Unity launcher. Mouse sensitivity and axis settings can be configured from the config.ini
4 Gameplay
4.1 Getting Started with UW1
When you load up UW1 you will be at the main menu. There are 6 options here Introduction, Create Character, Journey Onwards, Acknowledgements, SpeedStart and Enable Editor.
Select Create Character if you want to play the game properly. Select Journey onwards if you want to load a save game, Speedstart will immediately launch you into the game with a cheat character that has full stats, runestones and 255 health and mana.
When you arrive in the underworld you will be in the inventory interaction mode. Pressing E will allow you to toggle between interaction and mouse look modes.
You will see a bag in front of you. Enter interaction mode or aim at it in inventory mode and right click on it to pick it up.
Drag the bag onto one of your inventory slots and left click to place.
In the inventory left click on the bag to open. You will see the following items
Dagger - Drag this onto the left or right hand slot on the paperdoll. The handedness you selected in character generation controls which is the correct hand to use.
Torch - Click on the torch and it will light up in a free slot.
Map - Click on this to get your location. Clicking anywhere on the map allows you to add map notes.
Clicking the icon of the opened bag allows you to close the container.
Look around you. You will see a sign on the wall. Switch to look mode (Eyeball button) to read it.
Move down the hall. Take a left, another left and follow the path until you see two runestones (Ort and Jux) on the ground. Pick these up.
Go Right and in the corner of the next room you will see a backpack. Pick it up and open it.
In the bag you will see a rune bag. Drag the rune bag to a free slot on your paperdoll.
Drag and drop all the rune stones you have onto the runebag and the will be added to your available runes. Open the runebag to see what you have.
If you created a character with magic skills you can try and cast a spell now
Select the Runes Ort and Jux (in that order). Right clicking the runes will tell you what each one is. The runes will appear on the shelf next to the compass.
Either click on the shelf or press Q to cast the spell.
This spell is Magic Arrow and will change your cursor into a ring. Aim with the mouse and when you are ready to fire right click to launch the magic spell.
In the Bagpack you will also see a key. Left click on it and your cursor will change to match the key. Move to the door and left click on it. This will unlock the door.
Move through the door and up to the next room. In the next room you will see an outcast.
Left click on the outcast to talk to them. In conversations use the number keys to select your answers.
WHen you have finished the conversation turn around and in the corner of the room you will see a bedroll. Take it with you.
Move on to the next room and follow the slope down to your left.
Pressing space at the game will allow you to jump over the small gap.
On the island across the stream you will see a hostile rotworm.
Cross over the water and draw your weapon by either left clicking on your weapon, pressing F5 or clicking the sword icon on the left.
Charge your attack by holding down the right mouse key. Point the mouse cursor at the worm and release the attack by lifting the key. Repeat until the worm is dead.
Put your weapon away by clicking on the sword and look at the wall. You will see a switch.
Click on it and the nearby door will open granting you some more access to the level. You can also go back to where you started and take another path. The choice is yours.
Looking at walls using the "Look" interaction mode is required to find some secrets.
The silver tree is found on the first level and will resurrect you when you die if you replant it.
Things will be easier for you if you find the ring of leviation or ring of leap.
4.2 Combat Mechanics
The following is how combat is implemented based on my understanding of the skill systems as described in this article
NPCs have an attack and defence score defined by their object properties.
The player has an attack score which is their attack skill plus half their current weapon skill
The player has a defence score which is their defence skill plus half their current weapon skill
The defenders defense score and the attacks attack score are calculated to give a ToHit score. (defence-attack) = toHit. This score is never less than 0 or greater than 29. A random dice roll of 1-30 is taken and this determines if the hit is sucessful.
If a hit is scored the damage is taken off the defender.
If the ...
Welcome to Underworld Exporter (UWE) -> Ultima Underworld 1 & 2 in Unity.
Release 1.04
1 - Game Support
2 - Installation and Configuration
3 - Controls
4 - Gameplay
5 - In-game editor
6 - Known issues and bugs
7 - Credits and acknowledgements
1 Games Supported
The following Looking Glass Studios games are supported to various levels.
Original game files are absolutley required to play however in the interests of full
disclosure some UI assets and sound effects are bundled with this download.
1.1 Ultima Underworld 1 (UW1).
UW1 is fully supported and can be completed from start to finish. Save
games are both forward and backwardly compatable with the original dos version.
1.2 Ultima Undeworld 1 Demo Version (UW0)
UW0 is a freely available demo of the first level of UW1. It is fully
supported with the following exceptions:
-The rolling demo is not supported.
-Weapon animations are not currently working (combat still works)
1.3 Ultima Underworld 2 (UW2)
UW2 is partially supported with full support to come in time.
-Game saves (loading of vanilla saves is possible)
-Some traps and triggers are not implemented.
-Many new conversation functions are not implemented
-UW2 specific HUD is not implemented.
1.4 System Shock 1 (SHOCK)
SHOCK is currently enabled in a map viewer mode. Developement of any SS1
focused releases has been postponed pending completion of Underworld 1&2.
1.4 Terra Nove Strike Force Centrauri (TNOVA)
TNOVA is implemented as a side project map-viewer. There are no plans to
develop this game any further.
2 Installation and Configuration
The same executable is used for all games.
Download the file and extract it to any location you wish. (eg c:\games
In the extracted folder open the config.ini file.
For each game there is a different config variable for the game paths. EG
Path_UW1 for Underworld 1. Edit the file path to match the folder where the original game
is located.
Eg If the UW1 executable uw.exe is at c:\games\uw1\uw.exe then you should
enter c:\games\uw1\ in the path file next to Path_UW1
Launch the exporter by running the uwe.exe executable.
When you launch the splash screen should detail the games found and the paths
recorded for them.
Click on a game icon to launch.
UW1 and UW2 will take you to the main menu.
UW0 will take you straight to the game world.
For SHOCK and TNOVA you can select a level to load from the drop down
*If you own the versions you may need to extract the game files first. In
the gog game folder find the file game.gog. Extract it using 7-zip or your file extractor
of choice and point your paths to this extracted data.
3 The following are the default controls
Movement - WASD
Jump - Spare
Toggle mouselook* - E
Cast selected spell* - Q
Toggle fullscreen* - F (some ui elements are draggable in fullscreen mode)
Interaction modes* F1 to F6.
Fly Up* - R
Fly down* = V
Track* = T
Charge Attack - Hold down right mouse key
Release Attack - Release right mouse key.
In game a context sensitive overlay will tell you what a right or left click will
do when hovering over an object.
*These controls can be edited by changing the values in the config.ini file.
Other standard controls are managed by the Unity launcher. Mouse sensitivity and axis
settings can be configured from the config.ini
When in a conversation press right click will open your containers
4 Gameplay
4.1 Getting Started with UW1
When you load up UW1 you will be at the main menu. There are 6 options
here Introduction, Create Character, Journey Onwards, Acknowledgements, SpeedStart and
Enable Editor.
Select Create Character if you want to play the game properly. Select
Journey onwards if you want to load a save game, Speedstart will immediately launch you
into the game with a cheat character that has full stats, runestones and 255 health and
When you arrive in the underworld you will be in the inventory
interaction mode. Pressing E will allow you to toggle between interaction and mouse look
You will see a bag in front of you. Enter interaction mode or aim at it
in inventory mode and right click on it to pick it up.
Drag the bag onto one of your inventory slots and left click to place.
In the inventory left click on the bag to open. You will see the
following items
Dagger - Drag this onto the left or right hand slot on the
paperdoll. The handedness you selected in character generation controls which is the
correct hand to use.
Torch - Click on the torch and it will light up in a free slot.
Map - Click on this to get your location. Clicking anywhere on
the map allows you to add map notes.
Clicking the icon of the opened bag allows you to close the container.
Look around you. You will see a sign on the wall. Switch to look mode
(Eyeball button) to read it.
Move down the hall. Take a left, another left and follow the path until
you see two runestones (Ort and Jux) on the ground. Pick these up.
Go Right and in the corner of the next room you will see a backpack. Pick
it up and open it.
In the bag you will see a rune bag. Drag the rune bag to a free slot on
your paperdoll.
Drag and drop all the rune stones you have onto the runebag and the will
be added to your available runes. Open the runebag to see what you have.
If you created a character with magic skills you can try and cast a spell
Select the Runes Ort and Jux (in that order). Right clicking the runes
will tell you what each one is. The runes will appear on the shelf next to the compass.
Either click on the shelf or press Q to cast the spell.
This spell is Magic Arrow and will change your cursor into a ring. Aim
with the mouse and when you are ready to fire right click to launch the magic spell.
In the Bagpack you will also see a key. Left click on it and your cursor
will change to match the key. Move to the door and left click on it. This will unlock the
Move through the door and up to the next room. In the next room you will
see an outcast.
Left click on the outcast to talk to them. In conversations use the
number keys to select your answers.
WHen you have finished the conversation turn around and in the corner of
the room you will see a bedroll. Take it with you.
Move on to the next room and follow the slope down to your left.
Pressing space at the game will allow you to jump over the small gap.
On the island across the stream you will see a hostile rotworm.
Cross over the water and draw your weapon by either left clicking on your
weapon, pressing F5 or clicking the sword icon on the left.
Charge your attack by holding down the right mouse key. Point the mouse
cursor at the worm and release the attack by lifting the key. Repeat until the worm is
Put your weapon away by clicking on the sword and look at the wall. You
will see a switch.
Click on it and the nearby door will open granting you some more access
to the level. You can also go back to where you started and take another path. The choice
is yours.
Looking at walls using the "Look" interaction mode is required to
find some secrets.
The silver tree is found on the first level and will resurrect
you when you die if you replant it.
Things will be easier for you if you find the ring of leviation
or ring of leap.
4.2 Combat Mechanics
The following is how combat is implemented based on my understanding of
the skill systems as described in this article
NPCs have an attack and defence score defined by their object properties.
The player has an attack score which is their attack skill plus half
their current weapon skill
The player has a defence score which is their defence skill plus half
their current weapon skill
The defenders defense score and the attacks attack score are calculated
to give a ToHit score. (defence-attack) = toHit. This score is never less than 0 or
greater than 29. A random dice roll of 1-30 is taken and this determines if the hit is
If a hit is scored the damage is taken off the defender.
If the attacker is a player then the damage is the weapon swing type
damage score by the percentage attack charge built up.
If the attack is an NPC then the damage is a random 1 to max damage
Npcs have an equipment damage score. This less the players total armour
score is applied as a single point of damage to a random piece of armour.
Spell, Weapon and armour enchantments and scores can further change these
Protection enchantments increase defence
Accuracy enchantments increase attack score
Toughness enchantments reduce damage.
Durability enchantments reduce equipment damage sustained
4.3 Trading
Trading with NPCs is not currently calculating a value to the items
traded. To make a trade with an npc just offer any item and and keep trying until they
4.4 Conversations and items
Vanilla behavior in conversations is for objects to move to the players
cursor when given by an npc. As implemented objects will immediately spawn at the top
level of the players inventory. If there is no space they will spawn at the npcs
5 In Game Editor
An ingame editor is bundled for experimentation. The following can be achieved
with this
-Edit maps
-Edit objects and NPCs
-Change texture maps
At the main menu of UW1/UW2 click the ...
Welcome to Underworld Exporter (UWE) -> Ultima Underworld 1 & 2 in Unity.
Release 1.03d
1 - Game Support
2 - Installation and Configuration
3 - Controls
4 - Gameplay
5 - In-game editor
6 - Known issues and bugs
7 - Credits and acknowledgements
1 Games Supported
The following Looking Glass Studios games are supported to various levels. Original game files are absolutley required to play however in the interests of full disclosure some UI assets and sound effects are bundled with this download.
1.1 Ultima Underworld 1 (UW1).
UW1 is fully supported and can be completed from start to finish. Save games are both forward and backwardly compatable with the original dos version.
1.2 Ultima Undeworld 1 Demo Version (UW0)
UW0 is a freely available demo of the first level of UW1. It is fully supported with the following exceptions:
-The rolling demo is not supported.
-Weapon animations are not currently working (combat still works)
1.3 Ultima Underworld 2 (UW2)
UW2 is partially supported with full support to come in time.
-Game saves (loading of vanilla saves is possible)
-Some traps and triggers are not implemented.
-Many new conversation functions are not implemented
1.4 System Shock 1 (SHOCK)
SHOCK is currently enabled in a map viewer mode. Developement of any SS1 focused releases has been postponed pending completion of Underworld 1&2.
1.4 Terra Nove Strike Force Centrauri (TNOVA)
TNOVA is implemented as a side project map-viewer. There are no plans to develop this game any further.
2 Installation and Configuration
The same executable is used for all games.
Download the file and extract it to any location you wish. (eg c:\games\uwe)
In the extracted folder open the config.ini file.
For each game there is a different config variable for the game paths. EG Path_UW1 for Underworld 1. Edit the file path to match the folder where the original game is located.
Eg If the UW1 executable uw.exe is at c:\games\uw1\uw.exe then you should enter c:\games\uw1\ in the path file next to Path_UW1
Launch the exporter by running the uwe.exe executable.
When you launch the splash screen should detail the games found and the paths recorded for them.
Click on a game icon to launch.
UW1 and UW2 will take you to the main menu.
UW0 will take you straight to the game world.
For SHOCK and TNOVA you can select a level to load from the drop down boxes.
*If you own the versions you may need to extract the game files first. In the gog game folder find the file game.gog. Extract it using 7-zip or your file extractor of choice and point your paths to this extracted data.
3 The following are the default controls
Movement - WASD
Jump - Spare
Toggle mouselook* - E
Cast selected spell* - Q
Toggle fullscreen* - F (some ui elements are draggable in fullscreen mode)
Interaction modes* F1 to F6.
Fly Up* - R
Fly down* = V
Track* = T
Charge Attack - Hold down right mouse key
Release Attack - Release right mouse key.
In game a context sensitive overlay will tell you what a right or left click will do when hovering over an object.
*These controls can be edited by changing the values in the config.ini file. Other standard controls are managed by the Unity launcher. Mouse sensitivity and axis settings can be configured from the config.ini
4 Gameplay
4.1 Getting Started with UW1
When you load up UW1 you will be at the main menu. There are 6 options here Introduction, Create Character, Journey Onwards, Acknowledgements, SpeedStart and Enable Editor.
Select Create Character if you want to play the game properly. Select Journey onwards if you want to load a save game, Speedstart will immediately launch you into the game with a cheat character that has full stats, runestones and 255 health and mana.
When you arrive in the underworld you will be in the inventory interaction mode. Pressing E will allow you to toggle between interaction and mouse look modes.
You will see a bag in front of you. Enter interaction mode or aim at it in inventory mode and right click on it to pick it up.
Drag the bag onto one of your inventory slots and left click to place.
In the inventory left click on the bag to open. You will see the following items
Dagger - Drag this onto the left or right hand slot on the paperdoll. The handedness you selected in character generation controls which is the correct hand to use.
Torch - Click on the torch and it will light up in a free slot.
Map - Click on this to get your location. Clicking anywhere on the map allows you to add map notes.
Clicking the icon of the opened bag allows you to close the container.
Look around you. You will see a sign on the wall. Switch to look mode (Eyeball button) to read it.
Move down the hall. Take a left, another left and follow the path until you see two runestones (Ort and Jux) on the ground. Pick these up.
Go Right and in the corner of the next room you will see a backpack. Pick it up and open it.
In the bag you will see a rune bag. Drag the rune bag to a free slot on your paperdoll.
Drag and drop all the rune stones you have onto the runebag and the will be added to your available runes. Open the runebag to see what you have.
If you created a character with magic skills you can try and cast a spell now
Select the Runes Ort and Jux (in that order). Right clicking the runes will tell you what each one is. The runes will appear on the shelf next to the compass.
Either click on the shelf or press Q to cast the spell.
This spell is Magic Arrow and will change your cursor into a ring. Aim with the mouse and when you are ready to fire right click to launch the magic spell.
In the Bagpack you will also see a key. Left click on it and your cursor will change to match the key. Move to the door and left click on it. This will unlock the door.
Move through the door and up to the next room. In the next room you will see an outcast.
Left click on the outcast to talk to them. In conversations use the number keys to select your answers.
WHen you have finished the conversation turn around and in the corner of the room you will see a bedroll. Take it with you.
Move on to the next room and follow the slope down to your left.
Pressing space at the game will allow you to jump over the small gap.
On the island across the stream you will see a hostile rotworm.
Cross over the water and draw your weapon by either left clicking on your weapon, pressing F5 or clicking the sword icon on the left.
Charge your attack by holding down the right mouse key. Point the mouse cursor at the worm and release the attack by lifting the key. Repeat until the worm is dead.
Put your weapon away by clicking on the sword and look at the wall. You will see a switch.
Click on it and the nearby door will open granting you some more access to the level. You can also go back to where you started and take another path. The choice is yours.
Looking at walls using the "Look" interaction mode is required to find some secrets.
The silver tree is found on the first level and will resurrect you when you die if you replant it.
Things will be easier for you if you find the ring of leviation or ring of leap.
4.2 Combat Mechanics
The following is how combat is implemented based on my understanding of the skill systems as described in this article
NPCs have an attack and defence score defined by their object properties.
The player has an attack score which is their attack skill plus half their current weapon skill
The player has a defence score which is their defence skill plus half their current weapon skill
The defenders defense score and the attacks attack score are calculated to give a ToHit score. (defence-attack) = toHit. This score is never less than 0 or greater than 29. A random dice roll of 1-30 is taken and this determines if the hit is sucessful.
If a hit is scored the damage is taken off the defender.
If the attacker is a player then the damage is the weapon swing type damage score by the percentage attack charge built up.
If the attack is an NPC then the damage is a random 1 to max damage score.
Npcs have an equipment damage score. This less the players total armour score is applied as a single point of damage to a random piece of armour.
Spell, Weapon and armour enchantments and scores can further change these values.
Protection enchantments increase defence
Accuracy enchantments increase attack score
Toughness enchantments reduce damage.
Durability enchantments reduce equipment damage sustained
4.3 Trading
Trading with NPCs is not currently calculating a value to the items traded. To make a trade with an npc just offer any item and and keep trying until they accept.
4.4 Conversations and items
Vanilla behavior in conversations is for objects to move to the players cursor when given by an npc. As implemented objects will immediately spawn at the top level of the players inventory. If there is no space they will spawn at the npcs position.
5 In Game Editor
An ingame editor is bundled for experimentation. The following can be achieved with this
-Edit maps
-Edit objects and NPCs
-Change texture maps
At the main menu of UW1/UW2 click the enable Editor button. Starting a new game, save game or quick starting will bring you into the editor
Additional controls
Top Right Eyeball. - Toggles Editor Panel
Load button - Will load the level number entered in the box.
The buttons next to the map will switch special modes, change player position etc.
Tile View : Allows changing of tile properties. ...
UWE - Underworld Exporter
Version 1.02
Extract the attached zip file and extract to any location.
Full install instructions in the readme.txt
Requires original game files.
If you want to play around under the hood the Unity Scene files are in the uwe dev file. Primary development has been in Unity 5.4.1 but it should be compatible with Unity 2017.
Notes on version.
Please read the instructions for extracting version game files before running.
Additional documentation
Welcome to Underworld Exporter -> Ultima Underworld 1 & 2 in Unity.
New features
Conversation Virtual Machine, more traps, better UW2 support
Before you begin.
You will need a commercial release of either Ultima Underworld I&II in order to play. SS1 is also supported but is barebones.
Because I don't normally upload regular binary releases due to slow uploads the best (and most inconvenient) way to experience the game is to
install Unity (5.4.1) and extract the workspace in the releases directory @
Then just extract the script files from the repository in order to get the most up to date code.
In this folder you will see files called uwdemo_path.txt, uw1_path.txt , uw2_path.txt and ss1_path.txt
Open each of these files and check that the file path in this file is pointing to the folder containing the matching game executable.
Make sure there is a trailing slash as in the file. eg c:\games\uw1\
Within the IDE change the properties of the GameObject called GameWorldContoller and change the RES parameter to one of UW0, UW1, UW2 or SS1.
THe default is UW1.
*If you own the versions you may need to extract the game files first. In the gog game folder find the file game.gog. Extract it using 7-zip or your file extractor of choice.
WASD - movement
Space - Jump
E - Toggle mouselook
Q - launch selected spell
F - Toggle fullscreen
UI elements are draggable in fullscreen. Note only a UW1 UI is enabled.
Asset Usage
A number of assets are currently loaded at runtime. These are mainly hud elements and fonts.
Gameplay Notes
There is no tuning of combat so don't expect it to be fun!
Most but not all spells are implemented. Consult your spellbook for rune combinations. Note that only UW1 magic is set up.
The game is theoretically beatable. Good luck.
Vanilla savegames are loadable and saveable. Savegames will overwrite vanilla save folders. Do so at your own risk.
Some known bugs
Limited range of resolutions.
The automap may hitch the first time you open it. Subsequent usage is okay.
Map notes may not scale in size with your resolution.
NavMesh generation is currently turned off. To enable just tick the EnableNavmesh generation in the GameWorldContoller
Animation effects are currently turned off.
UW2 is very buggy and not as feature complete as UW1.
The game now has a vanilla conversation virtual machine. This may act up.
This project would not be possible without the trailblazing work of Blue Sky Software (LookingGlass Studios) and the various teams that dug deep into the file formats of the Underworld and Shock games. Thanks. See the code credits.txt file for some specific examples where I took code from earlier projects.
Welcome to Underworld Exporter -> Ultima Underworld in Unity.
Before you begin.
You will need a commercial release of Ultima Underworld. Support for the demo version and basic UW2 support will happen in the future.
In this folder you will see a file called uw1_path.txt Check that the file path in this file is pointing to the folder containing the UW.EXE executable. Make sure their is a trailing slash as in the file. eg c:\games\uw1\
If you own the versions you may need to extract the game files first. In the gog game folder find the file game.gog. Extract it using 7-zip or your file extractor of choice.
WASD - movement
Space - Jump
E - Toggle mouselook
Q - launch selected spell
F - Toggle fullscreen
UI elements are draggable in fullscreen
Asset Usage
A number of assets are currently loaded at runtime. These are mainly hud elements and fonts.
Character generation is working but I recommend playing with the Quick Start option.
There is no tuning of combat so don't expect it to be fun!
Most but not all spells are implemented. Consult your spellbook for rune combinations.
The game is theoretically beatable. Good luck.
Some known bugs
Limited range of resolutions.
Save and load is not working
After you close the automap the context ui won't update until you hover over another object
The automap may hitch the first time you open it. Subsequent usage is okay.
Map notes may not scale in size with your resolution.
AI's may walk across water to get to you.
Water monsters float off the ground.
Animation effects are currently turned off.
Some conversations may act up. Especially when dealing with items. If in doubt kill the NPC and take what you need!
I've recently overhauled asset loading and animation handling. There may be dragons here so play at your own risk. contains the executables is the development environment for the whole thing. Requires unity 5.
This project would not be possible without the trailblazing work of Blue Sky Software (LookingGlass Studios) and the various teams that dug deep into the file formats of the Underworld and Shock games. Thanks. See the code credits.txt file for some specific examples where I took code from earlier projects.