React Native Starter is a React Native boilerplate app to get you up and running quickly.
Please follow React Native Getting Started to finish the setup.
In the Building Projects with Native Code
section, please make sure you have setup your Android
and iOS
React Native for build native Apps
Redux a predictable state container for Javascript apps
axios a promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
prop-types Runtime type checking for React props and similar objects
react-native-router-flux navigation for React Native
redux-thunk Thunk middleware for Redux
redux-logger Logger for Redux
Please use yarn to install the npm dependencies.
yarn install
Then you can run iOS:
react-native run-ios
Or run Android:
react-native run-android
For test:
yarn test
For eslint:
yarn lint
You've cloned the project and you're wanting to make it your own. But..."ReactNativeStarter".
With react-native-rename, React Native Rename will replace all files, directories and references of ReactNativeStarter
to what ever you'd like.
yarn global add react-native-rename
react-native-rename NewAppName
Please change your API HOST in ./src/config/apiConfig
For example, change:
const API_HOST = ''
export default API_HOST
const API_HOST = 'https://yourhost'
export default API_HOST
Then you can build your own App on the basis of ReactNativeStarter! 🙌🏻