a compiled version is currently in the works
made with ubuntu & inspired by crunchbang
What it looks like:
WM installed:
- kde
- openbox
- dwm
Pre installed packages:
- winehq-stable
- wine
- wine32
- libwine
- vlc
- geany
- gimp
- wine
- blender
- vim
- emacs
- 7zip
- nano
- obs
- nginx
- inkscaped
- netcat
- llvm
- keepassxc
- copyq
- neofetch
- filezilla
- filezilla server
- bash
- wireshark
- kden live
- shortcut
- onlyoffice
- openoffice
- libreoffice
- htop
- git
- vscode
- qemu
- gcc
- cmake
- macchanger
- Tor
- Cubic
- net-tools
- qbittorrent
- curl
- aptitude
- godot
- nmap
- node
- npm
- fish
- btop
- genact
- openssh-server
+some nice backgrounds