Use Python to simulate a website log and send the log file to kafka's message. Use Spark Structured Streaming to process the log data in kafka to calculate the total PV, the PV of each IP, the PV of the search engine, the PV of the keyword, the PV of the terminal, and write the final result to the RDBMS.
You can find some examples of logs generated in Python here. use to generate logs You can use the following commands to produce kafka's message
python| --broker-list your_broker_list --topic your_topic
You can also use the crontab to generate kafka messages at regular intervals.
crontab -e
0/5 * * * * ? python| --broker-list your_broker_list --topic your_topic
There are two files and mysql.sql under the resources folder. is the connection information of the database, mysql.sql is used to create the database and data table sql statement.