A simple To-Do List web application that allows users to add, delete, and view tasks.
This is a full-stack web application built using the PERN stack (PostgreSQL, Express, React, Node.js)
- Database Integration: Utilize PostgreSQL as the database to store and manage data.
- RESTful API: Develop a RESTful API using Express for handling CRUD operations.
- Frontend UI: Build the frontend user interface using React for a modern and responsive design.
- State Management: Utilize state management libraries such as react-query for managing application state.
- Deployment: Deploy the application to a hosting service like Heroku, AWS, or any hosting platform of your choice.
Before running the application, ensure you have the following installed:
- Node.js and npm or yarn
- PostgreSQL database
- Git (for version control)
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/happychuks/task-to-do.git
Install dependencies for both backend and frontend:
cd task-to-do cd backend && npm install #or yarn install cd ../frontend && npm install # or yarn install
Set up your PostgreSQL database:
- Create a new PostgreSQL database for the application.
- Configure the database connection:
- Create a .env file in root directory and add the following env variables using your PostgreSQL configuration
PG_HOST = localhost PG_PORT = 5432 PG_DATABASE = <your-database-name> PG_USER = <your-username> PG_PASSWORD = <your-password>
- Create a .env file in root directory and add the following env variables using your PostgreSQL configuration
- Perform Migrations:
- Initial Migration: run:
npx knex migrate:make create_task_todo_table
oryarn knex migrate:make create_task_todo_table
- Apply latest Migration: run:
npm run knex migrate:latest
oryarn knex migrate:latest
- Database Extension (optional): After connecting to the database run the
create extension if not exists "uuid-ossp";
script in your database management tool or directly in your database server application
- Initial Migration: run:
Run the application in development mode:
- Start Backend server:
cd backend && npm dev #or yarn dev
- Start the Frontend server:
cd frontend && npm start #or yarn start
Access the Application in your web browser at
. -
API Documentation/Testing:
API Testing (Postman/Insomnia):
Client Testing:
Method Route Description GET /todos Get all todos GET /todos/:id Get a todo POST /todos Create a todo PATCH /todos/:id Update a todo DELETE /todos/:id Delete a todo
- Front-end: React / Chakra UI
- Back-end: Node.js/Express.js
- Database: PostgreSQL / Beekeeper Studio
- ORM: objection, knex
- Deployment: Heroku
Feel free to contribute to this project.
Happy coding!