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Android Permission Manager Library for easy permission requests. Supports Activity, Fragment, v4 Fragment.


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Android Permission Helper Library for easy permission requests. This will handle most of your permission handling job and simplify it by giving only 2 callbacks to the listener, success or failure. Included a Rationale to show when user denies permission.


Add the library to app build.gradle

implementation ''

Getting Started

Just create PermissionHelper object by passing the Activity/Fragment and a listener for callbacks

PermissionHelper permissionHelper;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
	permissionHelper=new PermissionHelper(this).setListener(new PermissionHelper.PermissionsListener() {
		public void onPermissionGranted(int request_code) {

			//if user grants permission.


		public void onPermissionRejectedManyTimes(List<String> rejectedPerms,int request_code) {

			//if user keeps on denying request

Requesting Permissions

As we did in normal runtime permissions we will send a String array with permissions we want to request, we can send single or multiple permissions with it, This will request the permissions with the specified request code..

String[] needed_permissions=new String[]{Manifest.permission.CAMERA};


String[] needed_permissions=new String[]{Manifest.permission.CAMERA, Manifest.permission.CALL_PHONE};


The android system will give the results of the request and we have to pass that to the PermissionHelper to process.

public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, @NonNull String[] permissions, @NonNull int[] grantResults) {
    super.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults);

    * pass the permission results to the PermissionHelper for processing.



The PermissionHelper will request permission, if denied, will show rationale, if never ask again is checked, will show a dialog to grant permissions in settings. If the user agrees to grant permission or denies again and again, the PermissionHelper will give the callback to the listener methods.

	public void onPermissionGranted(int request_code) {

		//if user grants permission.


	public void onPermissionRejectedManyTimes(List<String> rejectedPerms,int request_code) {

		//if user keeps on denying request



After we are done with our permission requesting process and we no longer need the PermissionHelper we can call onDestroy() to free it.



The project is a demo with a list view of permissions and using PermissionHelper for handling request. Clone the source, compile and run the project for trial.


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details