Requirements In this application you will create a to-do list application that can do the following: Users should be able to view all of the to-do tasks Users should be able to add a to-do to the list of to-do tasks Users should be able to mark a task as completed by crossing it out on click Users should be able to remove to-do tasks by removing those elements from the DOM The page should be aesthetically pleasing (aka be styled) For now do not worry that your page resets during a refresh, making that work is a stretch goal.
If you don't know where to begin, here's the recommended path:
Start by adding the HTML code. This is like the skeleton of the page, so add a title, list, form, input, buttons, etc... Add your JavaScript Create a variable that will hold your to-do list items. Add a function that takes in a string as input and adds it to the to-do list. Add an event handler to populate an HTML element with your to-do list when the user clicks the appropriate button. Etc... break down the big problems into baby steps and solve them systematically. Test as you go. With the main functionality in place, style your HTML elements using CSS. Make use of the developer console for testing styling. Finished with the main objectives? Continue on to the stretch goals to make your application even better. Stretch goals Add some instructions to your file around what your application is, how to run it, and how to use it. Make the list persist through a refresh of the page by using local storage to store to-do's Archive completed tasks in a viewable location on screen