A repository containing all Python programs written for CS 202 Programming Fundamentals 2 at Columbia Basin College. All programs are written in Python 3.
A Python program to demonstrate class inheritance in Python. The Person, Book, and BookAuthor classes are created. The BookAuthor class is a subclass of Person and inherits Person’s properties. The Book class has properties to store the book's title, stock, and price.
A Python program to convert Celsius temperatures to Fahrenheit temperatures. The user can enter a Celsius temperature, click the convert button, and display the equivalent Fahrenheit temperature. The GUI was created using the Tkinter module.
A Python program that allows a user to manage a dictionary of employees, including adding, changing, and deleting employees.
A Python program to calculate the MPG of a car. The program has labels, entry boxes, and a button for calculating the MPG. When the calculate MPG button is clicked, the program will calculate the MPG and display it in a label.
A Python program that creates a patient and three procedures for the patient. It then prints out the patient's information and the procedures performed.
A Python program to create a picture of a house with a sky, sun, windows, door, and clouds.
A Python program to draw growth rings and number them.
A simple trivia game in Python.