Releases: harmoniqs/QuantumCollocation.jl
Releases · harmoniqs/QuantumCollocation.jl
QuantumCollocation v0.6.0
Breaking changes
- moved rollout functionality to PiccoloQuantumObjects.jl
- moved direct sum utils to PiccoloQuantumObjects.jl and QuantumCollocationCore.jl
- cleaned up dependencies
Merged pull requests:
- Feature/mutlidocs refactor (#178) (@andgoldschmidt)
QuantumCollocation v0.5.1
QuantumCollocation v0.5.0
Breaking changes
- Backend optimizer code and utilities split off into seperate package (see QuantumCollocationCore.jl, and PiccoloQuantumObjects.jl)
Merged pull requests:
- core peeloff (#173) (@aarontrowbridge)
Closed issues:
- [Feature]: Peel off core functionality into QuantumCollocationCore.jl package (#163)
QuantumCollocation v0.3.2
Trajectory merge
Replace trajectory direct sum with merge
Use merge during trajectory initialization
Merged pull requests:
- Feature: Ipopt callbacks (#157) (@jack-champagne)
- Fix & update gitignore (#158) (@jack-champagne)
- Feat state sampling (#165) (@andgoldschmidt)
- bug fix: a_guess option (#166) (@andgoldschmidt)
- Fix free phase objectives (#167) (@andgoldschmidt)
- fix typing at rollouts (#168) (@andgoldschmidt)
- rm vscode settings (#169) (@andgoldschmidt)
- Feature/merge trajectories (#170) (@andgoldschmidt)
- roll back v0.3.2 (#171) (@andgoldschmidt)
Closed issues:
- [Feature]: Quantum state problem with quantum sampling problem (#164)
QuantumCollocation v0.3.1
Merged pull requests:
- update Rydbergchain system and add test (#161) (@hongyehu)
- Docs/v0.3 updates (#162) (@aarontrowbridge)
QuantumCollocation v0.3.0
QuantumCollocation v0.2.2
Closed issues:
QuantumCollocation v0.2.0
Merged pull requests:
- Leakage suppression (#45) (@aarontrowbridge)
- min time unequal step fix (#48) (@andgoldschmidt)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for Manifolds to 0.9, (keep existing compat) (#51) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for CairoMakie to 0.11, (keep existing compat) (#52) (@github-actions[bot])
- Update (#53) (@aarontrowbridge)
- Robust control objectives (#54) (@andgoldschmidt)
- Add timesteps to quadratic regularizers (#55) (@andgoldschmidt)
- Add y infs option (#65) (@andgoldschmidt)
- Lie algebra tool and geodesics without Manifolds (#66) (@andgoldschmidt)
- 64 feature new quantumsystems 2 (#70) (@aarontrowbridge)
- Change license (#74) (@aarontrowbridge)
- update dependencies, remove notebook examples (#75) (@andgoldschmidt)
- Update (#77) (@andgoldschmidt)
- Modular testing (#78) (@andgoldschmidt)
- bug fix: reachability test (#81) (@andgoldschmidt)
- tests passing for feat (#83) (@aarontrowbridge)
- Add Rydberg atom chain quantum system (#92) (@hongyehu)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for CairoMakie to 0.12, (keep existing compat) (#93) (@github-actions[bot])
- add all2all interaction in Rydberg atom chain system (#96) (@hongyehu)
- 95 feature exponential integrators (#98) (@aarontrowbridge)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for Revise at version 3, (keep existing compat) (#99) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for ExponentialAction at version 0.2, (keep existing compat) (#100) (@github-actions[bot])
- Direct sum problem templates (#101) (@andgoldschmidt)
- Feature contrib guide (#103) (@andgoldschmidt)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for TestItems at version 0.1, (keep existing compat) (#104) (@github-actions[bot])
- Refactor of embedded operators (#114) (@andgoldschmidt)
- hot_fix: trajectory_initialization embed fix (#116) (@andgoldschmidt)
- [Feature]: quantum utils docstrings and tests (#117) (@Fe-r-oz)
- Add
for creatingQuantumSystem
(#121) (@maxwell04-wq) - Feature sampling robustness (#126) (@andgoldschmidt)
- Dev testing and readme (#130) (@andgoldschmidt)
- Update repos link (#131) (@andgoldschmidt)
- Feat rebased robust gateset (#136) (@jack-champagne)
- update minor version (#137) (@andgoldschmidt)
- 128 feature add derivative bounds to problem templates (#138) (@aarontrowbridge)
- Update (#141) (@aarontrowbridge)
- Update Project.toml (#142) (@aarontrowbridge)
- Qnumerics (#149) (@aarontrowbridge)
- manifest fixes (#150) (@aarontrowbridge)
Closed issues:
- QuantumObjective function: Pass a symbol or function for Loss (#17)
- Unitary leakage suppression (#44)
- Min time objective fix for unequal timesteps (#47)
- Robust control objective (#49)
- QuadraticRegularizer timestep normalization for free time problems (#50)
- [Feature] Override quantum control problem defaults in problem templates (#56)
- Objectives missing subspace (min time) (#57)
- Subspace utility for excitation-number-restricted spaces (#58)
- add ability to not have a drift hamiltonian (#59)
- [Feature] Quadratic regularizer with nonzero baseline (#61)
- Objective constructors have bad initial keyword args (#63)
- [Feature]: QuantumSystem that stores composite system and level info for subspace embeddings (#64)
- [Feature]: Pairwise regularization on unitary trajectories for gate interpolation (#67)
- [Feature]: Ability to add user defined objective to problem {template} objective (#82)
- [Feature]: interface with QuantumOptics.jl (#85)
- [Feature]: Sampling-based robust control (#89)
- [Feature]: unsymmetric constraints on the pulses and first order derivative constraints of the pulses (#90)
- quantum system construction (#91)
- [Feature]: exponential integrators (#95)
- [Feature]: quantum utils docstrings and tests (#102)
- [Bug]: Probability Assertion Error causes Tests Error Locally (#109)
- [Feature]: Construct embedded operator from levels, embedding, and matrix. (#113)
- [Feature]: add derivative bounds to problem templates (#128)
- [Feature]: Bang-Bang problem template (#133)