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HarmonyOS GitHub Action setup

GitHub Super-Linter CI


This action requires java 17 or above as sdkmgr from HarmonyOS SDK requires java 17 or above.

After testing, you can create version tag(s) that developers can use to reference different stable versions of your action. For more information, see Versioning in the GitHub Actions toolkit.

To include the action in a workflow in another repository, you can use the uses syntax with the @ symbol to reference a specific branch, tag, or commit hash.

  - name: Checkout
    id: checkout
    uses: actions/checkout@v4

  - name: Run my Action
    id: run-action
    uses: harmonyos-dev/setup-harmonyos-sdk@0.2.0
    # with:
    #   version: '' # 可选,不填默认是最新版本