Burstcoin explorer is a block explorer for the Burstcoin network!
It is currently available for Android.
Features include:
- Search for and view blocks, accounts and transactions
- Keep a list of accounts you are watching
- Keep an eye on the current Burst price, both in BTC and USD
- Observe the current status of the Burstcoin Network, including Node Status, Node Versions, Node Locations and Broken Nodes.
- Countdown upcoming events such as the Pre-Dymaxion Hard Fork!
Get our latest release on Google Play or on our releases page
- Download Android Studio and the Android SDK
- Clone the repository
- Open the repository and build
This project is licensed under the MIT license. Please, if you decide to fork, obey the conditions set out in the license.
For small contributions, please fork and open a pull request for your work to be merged. Please bear in mind the software patterns this project follows, specifically use of RxJava, Dagger2 and Android Architecture Components.
This project also utilises Burstcoin-Java.
For larger contributions, or to be added as a collaborator, please contact me (Telegram: @harry1453).
Please message me if you want to help out with internationalization (Telegram: @harry1453).
All donations, however small, are appreciated!