go-calc is a simple 2 operand calculator over http written in go-lang. Please fork this repo and add the solutions to your fork and raise a PR once you are done. We will not merge it but review it on github.
- Build a docker image for the application and publish it
- Deploy the application in a kubernetes cluster - minikube will be fine. Deployment technique should be extendible to multiple environments.
- Bonus: Build the missing functionality
- Anything extra is always welcome
Note: The above tasks should ideally not take you more than a couple of hours to complete.
make run_local
make build
./build/go-calc-darwin ## For Mac
./build/go-calc ## For Linux
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/add -d '{"operand1": 1, "operand2": 2}'
$ 3
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/subtract -d '{"operand1": 4, "operand2": 3}'
$ 1
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/multiply -d '{"operand1": 2, "operand2": 3}'
$ 6
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/status
$ ok