End-to-end data science pipeline which uses Youtube data
- YouTube Data API
- Python
- Docker
- Google Cloud:
- Google BigQuery
- Google Cloud Storage
- Service accounts
- Artifact Repository (Container Registry)
- Monitoring
- Hugging Face Transformers
- Makefiles
- Python Virtual Environments
- Jupyter Notebooks
- Google Looker Studios
- Linting (flake8)
- Git Commit Hooks
- Regession
- Scikit Learn
- Statsmodels OLS
1.) Setup environment for running the code. It would create a python enviroment with the name yt-env
make env
2.) After the environment is created, activate it by following make command
source yt-env/bin/activate
3.) Set environment variable for Youtube API key
export YOUTUBE_API_KEY=<your-api-key>
4.) If you want to use service account, you need to put the value of secret key in an environment variable. Below, we are reading the key from ../service-account.json
export SERVICE_ACCOUNT_SECRET_KEY=$(cat ../service-account.json)
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=../service-account.json
NOTE: You would need to install PyTorch, which I did using the following command since I am running on CPU. If you want to have a different config for PyTorch, please see this
If you want to use jupyter notebook:
make env-notebook
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=yt-venv-jupyter
Apart from the above, you will need to install docker
to build and push docker images.
We have the following make commands to build, push and run docker containers
make docker-build
make docker-push
make docker-run
To setup linting with githooks, add the file .git/hooks/pre-commit
with folllowing contents:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Get the list of changed files.
changed_files=$(git diff --name-only HEAD | grep -E '\.py$')
# If there are any changed Python files, run Flake8.
if [[ $changed_files ]]; then
flake8 --ignore=E501 $changed_files
To run linting, run the following:
make lint