NOTE: I developed this project on Windows 10 X64bit OS and Python 3.9.2 X64bit version python Environment
if you want to run this project on linux change the paths and tesseract path in
1. After Downloading the project
src>cd 4-4-project
2. activate the env
NOTE: if your env is activated you get (env) before your src path if env failed to activate then follow step 3 else go to step 4
3. install requirements.txt
src\4-4-project>pip install -r requirements.txt
4. to start the project
after start is running acquireimage will run automatically
press spacebar to capture image else Esc to enter image number manually
for manual input first save image in images folder with sample45.jpg name (any number instead of 45 is ok)
now if you pressed Escape button while acquiring image it asks for image number so enter 45 or the number you saved
you can modify code to take manual input images from your custom folder
while execution some images may popup to show internal process press ctrl+W or Esc to proceed
1. if you encountered errors in installing requirements.txt
- check python architecture
>>import platform
output: ('64bit', 'WindowsPE')
2. if errors encountered after executing
- check if it is package error or input files error or path errors and rectify manually
any issues connect with me through linkedin