This is a project done for smart virtual hackthon 2020 orgainized by school of computing Sathyabama institute of science and technology 🏫.A lot of people waste there precious time searching for the parking slots near shopping malls 🏬, hospitals 🏥 and tourist places ⛺. Around 42% of canceled appointments are because of the unavailability of parking slots near that area and on average drivers take 124 hours a year searching slot, which in total makes 4.2 billion a year💰. In order to save all this money, we developed this smart-park which in user can log in to his account and book there required slot according to his requirements.
- Bootstrap
- Nodejs
- Express
- MongoDB
- Twillo whatsapp api
- Dark theme integration 😍
- Booking history sharing through Email and Whatsapp message 📧
- Mobile first UI design 📲
- User friendly
- Google auth feature(Currently code removed due to security issues ❗)
- Harsha-Backend Developement
- Sai ram- Frontend Developement
- Narayan pavan- Frontend Developement
- Jakka Mithil sai- UI/UX, Frontend Developement
- Clone github repository locally using terminal using command
git clone
- Install all dependencies using command
npm install
- Start server using command
node app.js
Every one who love open source projects and web developement can contribute to my project ❤️ .Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated. Every contribution is valuable and if you feel any issues in the project feel free to open an issue ✊
Thank you every who helped me in building such an amazing project