You can crack any Interview if you are preparing yourself in a well organised manner. There are lots of Data Structure and Algorithm problems on internet and it is quite impossible for a person to practice all of them. So it is really important that you practice a list of few problems which are really important and covers almost every concepts.
I have tried my best to sort all those problems for you and ordered them as well. I hope if you follow my list and study in the same order in which i have given, it will surely help you prepare very well for the Job Interview in your 2 months vacation.
1 | Missing number in array | Leetcode , GFG |
2 | Subarray with given sum | GFG |
3 | 2 Sum | LeetCode , InterviewBit, GFG , |
4 | Majority Element | LeetCode , InterviewBit , GFG |
5 | Max Consecutive Ones | LeetCode , InterviewBit |
6 | Sort an array of 0s, 1s and 2s | GFG , LeetCode |
7 | Spiral Matrix | LeetCode , InterviewBit |
8 | Find the duplicate number | LeetCode |
9 | Largest number formed from an array | LeetCode , InterviewBit, GFG |
10 | Next Permutation | LeetCode , InterviewBit |
11 | Merge Overlapping Intervals | LeetCode , InterviewBit, GFG |
12 | First Missing Positive | LeetCode , InterviewBit |
1 | Find middle element in a linked list | LeetCode , GFG |
2 | Remove n'th node from end of a linked list | LeetCode , InterviewBit |
3 | Intersection Point in Y shaped linked list | LeetCode , InterviewBit |
4 | Reverse a linked list | LeetCode , InterviewBit |
5 | Check if a linked list is Palindrome | LeetCode , InterviewBit |
6 | Rotate a LinkedList | LeetCode , InterviewBit |
7 | Reverse linked list in a group of given size k | LeetCode , InterviewBit |
8 | Detect and Remove Loop in a linked list | LeetCode , InterviewBit |
9 | Find length of the Loop in a linked list | GFG |
10 | Segregate even and odd positioned nodes in a linked list | LeetCode , GFG |
11 | Segregate even and odd valued nodes in a linked list | GFG |
12 | Clone a linked list with next and random pointer | LeetCode , GFG |
13 | Reorder List L1->L2->...Ln to L1->Ln->L2->Ln-1.... | LeetCode , InterviewBit |
14 | Delete N nodes after M nodes of a linked list | GFG |
15 | Merge K sorted list | LeetCode , InterviewBit , GFG |
16 | Add two numbers represented by a linked list | LeetCode , InterviewBit |
1 | Valid Parentheses | LeetCode |
2 | Length of longest valid Parentheses | LeetCode |
3 | Next Greater Element | GFG , LeetCode |
4 | Nearest Smaller Element | InterviewBit |
5 | Trapping Rain Water | LeetCode , InterviewBit |
6 | Largest Rectangle in a Histogram | LeetCode , InterviewBit |
7 | Min Stack | LeetCode , InterviewBit |
1 | Generate binary numbers from 1 to n | GFG |
2 | Minimum time required to rot all Oranges | GFG |
3 | First non repeating character in a stream | GFG |
4 | Circular tour | GFG , LeetCode |
5 | Sliding Window Maximum | LeetCode , InterviewBit |
1 | Determine Height of a binary tree | LeetCode , InterviewBit |
2 | Inorder Traversal | InterviewBit |
3 | Preorder Traversal | InterviewBit |
4 | Postorder Traversal | InterviewBit |
5 | Level Order Traversal | LeetCode |
6 | Level Order Traversal in Spiral Form | LeetCode , InterviewBit |
7 | Left and Right View of Binary Tree | LeetCode |
8 | Diameter of a Binary tree | LeetCode |
9 | Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node | LeetCode , InterviewBit |
10 | Check if a Binary Tree is Sum Tree | GFG |
11 | Check if a Binary Tree is Balanced | LeetCode , InterviewBit |
12 | Check if a Binary Tree is BST | GFG |
13 | Convert a given Binary Tree into its mirror Tree | GFG |
14 | Check if two Binary Tree are mirror image of each other | GFG |
15 | Check if a Binary Tree is Symmetric Binary Tree | InterviewBit , LeetCode |
16 | Invert a Binary Tree | InterviewBit , LeetCode |
17 | Vertical order Traversal | InterviewBit |
18 | Top View Of Binary Tree | GFG |
19 | Bottom View of Binary Tree | GFG |
20 | Check if Root to Leaf path sum exist | InterviewBit , LeetCode |
21 | All Root to Leaf path sum | InterviewBit , LeetCode |
22 | Maximum path sum from leaf to leaf | GFG |
23 | Maximum path sum from any node to any node | LeetCode |
24 | Least Common Ancestor | LeetCode |
25 | Find the distance between two nodes of a Binary Tree | GFG |
1 | Insert a Node in BST | LeetCode |
2 | Delete a Node from BST | LeetCode |
3 | Lowest common ancestor in BST | LeetCode |
4 | Inorder Successor in BST | LeetCode |
5 | Kth Smallest node in BST | LeetCode |
1 | Median in a stream of integers | GFG |
2 | Top K Frequent Elements in an Array | LeetCode |
3 | Kth Largest Element in a Stream | LeetCode |
4 | Sort a nearly sorted (or K sorted) array | GFG |
5 | Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix | LeetCode |
1 | Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array | LeetCode |
2 | Search in Rotated Sorted Array | LeetCode , InterviewBit , GFG |
3 | Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array | LeetCode |
4 | Pow(x,n) | LeetCode , InterviewBit |
5 | Sqrt(n) | LeetCode , InterviewBit |
6 | Matrix Search | LeetCode , InterviewBit |
6 | Median of Two Sorted Arrays | LeetCode , InterviewBit |
1 | Climbing Stairs | LeetCode |
2 | Coin Sum Infinite | InterviewBit |
3 | Min Cost Climbing Stairs | LeetCode |
4 | Rod Cutting Problem | GFG |
5 | Longest Common Subsequence | LeetCode |
6 | Print Longest Common Subsequence | Hackerrank |
7 | Longest Increasing Subsequence | LeetCode , InterviewBit |
8 | Edit Distance | LeetCode |
9 | Longest Common Substring | LeetCode |
10 | Maximum Sum Contiguous Subarray | LeetCode |
11 | Maximum Sum without adjacent Element(House Robber) | LeetCode |
12 | Maximum Product Subarray | LeetCode |
13 | Find minimum number of coins that make a given value | LeetCode |
14 | Min Cost Path | InterviewBit |
15 | Maximal Rectangle | LeetCode , InterviewBit |
16 | Minimum Jump to reach End | LeetCode , InterviewBit |
17 | 0 - 1 Knapsack Problem | GFG |
18 | Partition Equal Subset Sum | LeetCode |
19 | Longest Palindromic Subsequence | LeetCode |
20 | Longest Bitonic Subsequence | InterviewBit |
21 | Word Break | LeetCode , InterviewBit |
22 | Interleaving String | LeetCode , InterviewBit |
23 | Matrix Chain Multiplication | LeetCode |
24 | Palindrome Partitioning | LeetCode |