- 🔭 I’m currently working on Backend Development and Machine Learning Projects
- 🌱 I’m currently learning a ReactJS, a front end frame-work
- 👯 Happy to collaborate on projects related to Full Stack development and Machine Learning
- 📫 Reach out to me at harshithtunuguntla@gmail.com or harshith.tunuguntla.19cse@bmu.edu.in
I am a Computer Science Undergrad, BML Munjal Univ. An electronics Hobbyist! Currently pursuing 4th year! I love to code and am currently experimenting things 😅
I love learning new technologies and work on different projects that I feel like giving a try. Currently working on productivity skill development and various other experiments to life
I am working on development of a full stack websites involving Machine Learning concepts.
Previously I worked on few backend technologies like Django, Flask. Worked with databases and deployment in colud! I also worked on Hardware related projects involving NodeMCU, RaspberryPi, Arduino etx
#Coding #NewTechnology #Productivity #Creative