- Clone this repository
- Open the browser (chromium based are recomended)
- Go to https://open.spotify.com/ , login
- Create a shortcut On brave browser, go to control panel on the top right corner. Goto more tools, create a shrotcut. Then, name your shortcut (Spotify or something). Check the "open as window".
- Go to browser extension settings. Turn on the developer mode
- Click load unpacked and chose this repo on your local directory
guide for creating own chrome extension : https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/mv3/getstarted/extensions-101/ \
updated list ads domain :
#login5.spotify.com #audio4-fa.scdn.co #audio-ak-spotify-com.akamaized.net #support.spotify.com #spclient.wg.spotify.com #support.spotify.com