So here we are finally taking some initiative to build something lmao;)
Create a seprate branch and put a pr i'll merge
if you don't know git this is the good place to start learning whilst doing lma
attached the cheat sheet look for some git docs or articles for additional info
or just see the github video online
if you are busy or lazy to learn git now
git from browser
go initial setup as given in cheat sheet
git config --global "" etc
create a repo in github
initialize the repo locally
git init
add the files
git add filename
commit the message
git commit -m "message"
choose the branch
git branch -M main
push the commits
git push -u origin main
this is for new repo commits pushing
for the existing please read the docs
In a .MD extention file
mention names:-
favourite language:-
github link:-
gmail id with which github is linked :- for future stuff or even github profile link will do
things you love to :- ie hobby,etc
what part would you like to contribute with :- be honest and real with yourself this is not a race
finally any more extention to the base idea that we got:-