Web-programming - JavaScript home assignment
This solution was submitted by the stundent named above
for a Web-programming assignment.
Hereby I declare that the solution is my own work.
I did not copy or use solutions from a third party.
I did not share this solution with fellow students and I did not publish it.
According to the Academic Regulations for Students
(Eötvös Loránd University Organisational and Operational Regulations –
Volume 2, Section 74/C), a student purpoting the intellectual property of others
as their own [...] is committing a disciplinary offence.
[x] Other: The README.md
file from the Other requerements section is filled with your data and included with your solution (0 point)
[x] Game board: The game board appears (0 point)
[x] Game board: The fix elements appear in a 7x7 grid (1 point)
[x] Game board: In the same grid the movable elements appear randomly rotated and randomly placed (2 points)
[x] Game board: There are at least 3 treasures in the grid (except the corners (0,5 point)
[x] Game board: There is at least 1 playing piece in the grid (0,5 point)
[x] Moving maze: The extra room can be slided into a slidable row or column. The rooms change well. (2 points)
[x] Moving playing piece: We can move the playing piece to one of the possible neighbouring room (2 points)
[x] Start screen: setting the number of players (0,5 point)
[x] Start screen: setting the number of treasure cards per player (0,5 point)
[x] Start screen: clicking the start button the game board appears (0,5 point)
[x] Start screen: the game instructions can be seen (0,5 point)
[x] Game board: treasures appear in accordance with the settings (0,5 point)
[x] Game board: playing pieces appear in the corners (0,5 point)
[x] Game board: extra room appears (0,5 point)
[x] Game board: player informations appear (0,5 point)
[x] Game board: the actual player is indicated (0,5 point)
[x] Moving maze: extra room can be rotated before sliding (0,5 point)
[x] Moving maze: sliding the rooms is done with animation (1 point)
[x] Moving maze: treasures stays in the same rooms as they were initially placed (0,5 point)
[x] Moving maze: fallen playing piece moves to the other side (0,5 point)
[x] Moving playing piece: highlighting the accessible rooms (0,5 point)
[x] Moving playing piece: moving is done with animation (1 point)
[x] Moving playing piece: if we reach the needed treasure, the player information changes correctly (0,5 point)
[x] Moving playing piece: if every treasure is collected and we step to the initial position, the game is over (0,5 point)
[x] Moving playing piece: multiple playing piece in one room appear correctly (0,5 point)
[x] Game over: clicking a button we can start the game from the beginning (0,5 point)
[x] Other: Demanding design (1 point)
[x] Moving playing piece: highlighting all accessible rooms (3 point)
[ ] Save game: during the game the actual state can be saved (0,5 point)
[ ] Save game: if there is a saved game, this information appears on the start screen (0,5 point)
[ ] Save game: the saved can be loaded from the start screen (1 point)