Please see ManageIQ UI Components instead
Please refer to Hawkular UI Development Docs for further UI development details.
Separate git repository from ManageIQ
Components communicate via REST with ManageIQ API
Maintain routing inside ManageIQ(routes.rb)
We are recommending Angular 1.5 Components instead of Angular Directives for better compatibility with Angular 2.0.
The Angular 2 Component Router has been backported to Angular 1.5.x so even component routing can be done now with Angular 1.x. [TODO: Angular 1.x Component Router should be considered instead of UI Router (since it will not be needed with Angular 2.x) ]
For a great overview of using Angular 1.5.x Components please see: NG-Conf 2016:Components, Components, Components!…and Angular 1.5 - Pete Bacon Darwin
i18n (should this be done in Angular or Rails?)
Angular Events (currently angular events can only notify via the section of the DOM that the app is occupying. Right now a functional tab (i.e., Middleware is ~= app; this could change]
You need to have installed Node.js >= 5 and npm >= 3 on your system.
Install these node packages globally in the system
npm install -g typings bower webpack wiredep-cli typescript typescript-formatter
Install local node dependencies
npm install
To run:
npm start
Before sumbitting code: tsmft -r This formats the code according to the tslint rules.
Next up Angular 2.x components running alongside Angular 1.x via ngUpgrade. Ideally, a switch directly to Angular 2 would be most desirable. However, since there are some Angular 1 dependencies (such as Angular Patternfly) that make it difficult to migrate directly to Angular 2, at first. So a good intermediate compromise is to use http://blog.rangle .io/upgrade-your-application-to-angular-2-with-ng-upgrade[Angular ngUpgrade] which allows Angular2 to run alongside Angular 1. Angular 2 components can use Angular 1 stuff and vice versa. This makes it easy to create real Angular 2 Components that can be downgraded to Angular 1 directives (and used in Angular 1). So the team gets experience writing Angular 2 working in the Angular 1 runtime.