This image contains the giltene/wrk2 CLI tool for performance testing. I have created this image as the other wrk2 images I found are far bigger than they need to be (most were ~200MB). This image contains only the things that you actually need to run wrk2, so is quite small at ~6MB.
This image is built from master and accessible on dockerhub at haydenjeune/wrk2
. To pull:
docker pull haydenjeune/wrk2:latest
The entrypoint for this image is the wrk2
To run tests with 1 thread, 5 connections, 10 requests per second, for 15s, with a request defined in request.lua (as below)
$ cat request.lua
wrk.method = "POST"
wrk.body = '{ ... some request JSON }'
wrk.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
docker run -rm -v "$(pwd)"/request.lua:/data/request.lua haydenjeune/wrk2:latest -t1 -L -c5 -R10 -d15s -s /data/request.lua http://localhost/your_request_endpoint
Note that the request.lua
file is mounted inside the /data
directory of the container via bind mount.