These scripts form the basic core needed to work with Gemini3D ionospheric model to:
- generate a new simulation from scratch
- run a simulation
- read simulation output
- plot simulation output
The latter two functions are independent of the core GEMINI fortran/C model and as such can be used without first downloading and building. I.e. to load and plot output data one does not need the main GEMINI fortran/C code, but creating input and running the GEMINI model from matlab require the core fortran/C code.
Get MatGemini code:
git clone --recurse-submodules
If Gemini3D has previously been setup, from Matlab configure/check MatGemini paths:
Then run desired MatGemini commands.
If Gemini3D needs to be built, install Gemini3D gemini3d/external and then Gemini3D.
To make an offline mat_gemini package suitable for computers without Internet, package mat_gemini.tar.bz2 like:
cmake -P scripts/package.cmake
Then the end user copies that mat_gemini.tar.bz2 to the offline computer and extracts:
tar xf mat_gemini.tar.bz2
Features requiring Gemini3D runs include "gemini3d.model.setup" and "". If MacOS issues with CMake or Git not found, try running from Matlab:
Optionally, run the self-tests from Matlab in the mat_gemini/ directory:
for Matlab older than R2022b, the tests can be run by:
Generally, one sets up a simulation, runs, then plots the outputs of that simulation. Once that works, one perhaps changes simulation parameters, perhaps by perturbing the plasma or inputs with custom functions.
creates a neutral atmosphere using MSIS.
The default is to use MSISE00, but MSIS 2.0 is also available.
This is user selectable in the simulation config.nml file like:
msis_version = 20
where 0
is MSISE00 (default) and 20
is MSIS 2.0.
By default we assume that the user will run the GEMINI core model from the command line.
The Matlab Live Scripts Examples/ns_fang.mlx interactively demonstrates running a 2D simulation. Open and run this script, or simply run from Matlab:, 'Examples/init/2dns_fang.nml')
Information from a simulation config.nml can be loaded into a structure via:
cfg =
For a complete description of possible options to specify in a config.nml
file please see Readme_input
The data writes out to a file at a rate set by the dtout
parameter in config.nml
You can load these by filename, or by directory + time:
dat =;
dat =, time=datetime(2012,1,20,12,5,3));
The variables in the dat
struct are listed and explained in the main GEMINI repository
To read the grid data from a simulation directory do:
xg =
Elements of the output grid structure are listed and described in the Readme_input
gemini3d.plot(out_dir, "png")
generates plots under out_dir + "/plots"
Will save all plots under the mysim/plots/
directory. Omitting 'png'
just displays the plots without saving.
Plots of the simulation grid can be made:
This can help show if something unintended happened.
Often users will desire to perturb the quiescent equilibrium data with custom Matlab functions. Assuming these functions have an interface like
myfunc(cfg, xg)
then they can be specified in the config.nml file under setup/setup_functions. For examples see GDI_periodic_lowres and KHI_periodic_lowres.
It can be useful to compare a simulation output and/or input with a "known good" reference case. We provide this facility within the Matlab unittest framework for robustness and clarity., reference_dir)
That compares simulation inputs and outputs.
To only compare simulation input:, reference_dir, 'in')
To only compare simulation output:, reference_dir, 'out')
This is intended for use by developers working with the internals of Gemini3D, the average user doesn't need this. When a significant change is made to internal Gemini3D code, this may change the reference data and cause the self-tests to fail. If determined that new reference datasets are needed:
gemini3d.test.generate_reference_data('../gemini-examples/init', '~/sim', 'test2d')
That makes all tests with subdirectory names containing "test2d". A cell array or string array of names can also be specified.
If there are failures with SSL certificate errors, you may need to tell Git the location of your system SSL certificates. This can be an issue in general on HPC. If this is an issue, and assuming your SSL certificates are at "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt", do these two steps from Terminal (not Matlab), one time.
Edit ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc to have
export SSL_CERT_FILE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt
Then run:
git config --global http.sslCAInfo /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt