This is a simple dart library for accessing the openthesaurus api.
Get it through
openthesaurus: <latest_version>
dart pub add openthesaurus
Create an instance with
import 'package:openthesaurus/openthesaurus.dart';
var ot = OpenThesaurus.create();
and retrieve synonyms with
var synonyms = await ot.get('Hand');
for (var syn in synonyms) {
print(syn.terms?.map((e) => e.term).toList());
Retrieve synonyms with options with
var response = ot.getWith('Hand',
similar: true, // return similar terms
startsWith: true, // return terms that start with the query
superSet: true, // return generic terms
subSet: true, // return specific terms
baseForm: true // return base form of query term
var synonyms = response.synonymSet;
var similar = response.similarTerms;
var startsWithTerms = response.startsWithTerms;
var baseForms = responce.baseForms;
or more specifically
var response = ot.getWithSubString('Hand',
similar: true, // return similar terms
startsWith: true, // return terms that start with the query
superSet: true, // return generic terms
subSet: true, // return specific terms
baseForm: true // return base form of query term
from: 0, // index of the substring to start
max: 10 // maximum number of substring results
See the API documentation for description of the parameters and return types.