function debug (mixed $object, string/boolean $title=null, boolean/string $plain=false, integer $limit=6)
debug is a single function for visually analything / logging complex deep level objects and arrays.
Example of debug call html output:
Example of cli mode output
Let us have an example classes (check ./demo/demo.php)
class test1
public $string = "Test string";
public $boolean = true;
public $integer = 17;
public $float = 9.99;
public $array = array ('bob'=>'alice',true=>false,1=>5,2=>1.4);
public $object;
class test2
public $another;
class test3
public $string1 = "3d level";
public $string2 = "123";
public $complicated;
class test4
public $enough = "Level 4";
public $something = "Thanks for the fish!";
And intialize them in a following manner:
$test = new test1 ();
$test->object = new test2();
$test->object->another = new test3 ();
$test->object->another->complicated = new test4 ();
Now let us start debugging $test1. A simpliest call:
debug ($test);
Will output following:
Note that object of class test3 is collapsed and only first property is visible you can unfold it by clicking + or you can just debug object with everything expanded by calling:
debug ($test, true);
So now we see hidden parts of our object by default
Putting title on debug:
$pi = 3.14159265359;
debug ($pi, "hello this is pi");
To have both expanded and titled debug we should just put * symbol in the begining of title string like this:
$hm = array (1=>array(2=>array(3=>array(4=>array(5=>array(6=>array(7=>array(8=>"Last depth we created"))))))));
debug ($hm, "* A very complicated expanded array");
On a depth level 6 (considering starting level is 0) only ... is visible because of depth rendering limit which is by default 6. To unlock other levels we should incrase limit.
debug ($hm, "* More levels", false, 10);
Third parameter is for plain text output if you pass true
debug ($test, "Output something as plain text", true);
It will output something like following indented with 4 space tabs:
Output something as plain text
string : "Test string"
boolean : true
integer : 17
float : 9.99
array (array)
bob : "alice"
1 : 5
2 : 1.4
object (test2)
another (test3)
string1 : "3d level"
string2 : "123"
complicated (test4)
enough : "Level 4"
To log plain text output in file just pass file path as a third parameter
debug ($test, date('Y-m-d H:i:s').": Save plain text to file ", "./test.log");
And lastly if you are using subl-protocol plugin for sublime ( you can unfold debug backtrace and with one click in browser jump on the specific file and line in sublime text editor:
To debug in error log use 'error_log' in 3d parameter:
debug ($_GET,'GET','error_log');
To view error log nicely formated use:
tail -f error_log | grep --line-buffered "\n--" | sed "s/\\\n/\\n/g"
Or if you want all other error log messages:
tail -f error_log | sed "s/\\\n/\\n/g"