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Use an entry processor to process in parallel the standard deviation of customer satisfaction scores that are stored in a map.

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Calculate the Standard Deviation of Customer Satisfaction Scores

This is an example of how to use an entry processor to process the customer satisfaction scores that are stored in a map.

For step-by-step instructions of how to run this app, see the tutorial.


  1. Add the required elements for hazelcast-cloud-maven-plugin in cluster-side/pom.xml:

    • clusterId: Id of your cluster

    • apiKey: API key

    • apiSecret: API secret

  2. Add the required files to add to client/src/main/resources:

    • client.keystore

    • client.truststore

  3. Change into the cluster-side directory.

  4. Upload the cluster-side module to the cluster.

    mvn clean package hazelcast-cloud:deploy
  5. Change into the client directory.

  6. Execute the client application.

    mvn clean compile exec:java@standard-deviation -Dexec.cleanupDaemonThreads=false

Internal Hazelcast Developers

If you want to try this application in the UAT or DEV environment, edit the client/src/main/java/your/company/name/ file to include the environment URL:

// For DEV, use
clientConfig.setProperty("", "");

Then, add the following element to the configuration block for the Hazelcast {hazelcast-cloud} Maven plugin in the compute/standard-deviation/cluster-side/pom.xml file. Configure this element with the same environment URL.
