A search tool for gamers who love best prices
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
- Node.js 7.7.1 or above
- isthereanydeal.com api
- openexchangerates.org api
- Clone the project
- You will need to setup environment variables. Some API keys are confidential, you need to get them by yourself
Variable | Description |
ITAD_API_KEY | isthereanydeal.com |
FACEBOOK_APP_ID | Additional, I use Facebook service to use some plugins to share and track data |
OER_APP_ID | openexchangerates.org |
APP_URL | http://localhost:3000 |
APP_TITLE | Games Searcher |
APP_DESCRIPTION | A search tool for gamers who love best prices |
APP_IMAGE | http://localhost:3000/cover.png |
npm i
npm run dev
npm test
For now, I just cover the testing for API of the application on the server side
Simply run
npm run build
But you will need to setup these environment variables for production:
Variable | Description |
APP_TITLE | Games Searcher |
Currently, I am using Heroku to deploy the production app. You need to change these environment variables in production stage
Variable | Description |
ITAD_API_KEY | isthereanydeal.com |
OER_APP_ID | openexchangerates.org |
FACEBOOK_APP_ID | Use the production app id of Facebook API |
APP_TITLE | Games Searcher |
APP_URL | The root url of the application |
APP_DESCRIPTION | A search tool for gamers who love best prices |
APP_IMAGE | The url of the cover image when user share the app to Facebook |
I am using Rollbar service to track error from both front-end and backend sides. So there are additional apis need to be set:
Variable | Description |
ROLLBAR_CLIENT_TOKEN | Your server-side access token |
ROLLBAR_SERVER_TOKEN | Your client-side access token for games-searcher |
- Webpack 2 - The assets bundle tool
I use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Khanh Hoang - Initial work - hckhanh
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details