Bug fixes
- Show the right version in the release notes (it was showing the previous version from the app, not the newly running one)
Changes in version 0.5.0:
- Allow to sort by most of the tables' columns (in all views)
- Greatly improve the UI on very small resolutions and high zoom displays
- Table filter/search will now take into account also the type for all tables that have it
- Show a notification about a new Headlamp version being available (desktop app only)
- Show the release notes the first time a new version is run (desktop app only)
- Use ghcr.io instead of quay.io for Headlamp's container image
- Build all platforms in the CI system (to find platform breaks earlier)
- Minor bug fixes
Screenshots of some of the new features:
Container image: 🐳 ghcr.io/kinvolk/headlamp:v0.5.1
Desktop Apps:
🐧 Flatpak / Linux (AMD64)
🐧 Linux AppImage (AMD64)
🐧 Linux (Tarball)
🍏 Mac (AMD64)
🍏 Mac (ARM/M1)
🟦 Windows (AMD64)