###Updated for Capistrano 3.1
Best way to install Capistrano Slack integration is via Bundler.
Add the following to your Gemfile, then run the bundle
command to install the gem direct from the git repository
gem 'capistrano-slack', :git => 'https://github.com/healthfinch/capistrano-slack.git'
Once installed you can use the settings below in your Capistrano deploy.rb to configure Slack.
require 'capistrano/slack'
# required
set :slack_token, "webhook_token" # comes from inbound webhook integration
set :slack_room, "#general"
set :slack_subdomain, "kohactive" # if your subdomain is kohactive.slack.com
# optional
set :slack_application, "Rocketman"
set :slack_username, "Elton John"
set :slack_emoji, ":rocket:"
set :slack_deployer, 'Dude'
You can obtain your webhook_token
from the integrations section of the team page in Slack.
https://kohactive.slack.com/services/new/incoming-webhook (if your subdomain is kohactive.slack.com)