Latest version is 4.3.0 is available here
Please use our official Docker images to run your HEAT server
Heatledger cryptocurrency server.
To install and run heatledger you need Java JDK 1.8 or higher installed, note that JDK is different from standard java distributions.
On ubuntu use sudo apt-get install default-jdk
package. For other platforms please look here
For configuration settings see the conf/ files in the installation folder.
In order to connect to the heat testnet (this is used by developers mostly) please add these properties to conf/
For mainnet the parameter heat.numberOfForkConfirmations should be reverted to the default value 2
- Issue asset of type Standard or Private;
- Specify whitelist of accounts available to use the private asset;
- Specify the fee on order creation, the fee on trade, the recipient of these fees;
- Define default network fee payer for private asset on whitelisting market;
- Calculate and charge the fees on order creation, on trading;
- API functions to support private assets;
- Asset trading available until asset expiration time;
- New transaction type to assign the expiration;
- New transaction type (type 4 subtype 2) to assign one account under the control of another account;
- New transaction type (type 4 subtype 3) to limit the account by supervisory account how much max amount of the asset the account can send in the interval;
- Implement listeners “onConfirmed”, “onComplete”;
- Fix minor bugs;
- To get the Multi Atomic Transfers.
- Added field height for API function /account/payments.
- To get the list of actual masternodes.
- To get messages by transaction type (e.g. get messages of order placements).
- Ability to attach messages to transactions of types Ask order, Bid order, Cancel order, Issue Asset, Set Fee for private asset.
- New ways to set server properties (on command line)
- Support encrypted messaging through server when direct WebRTC is not allowed for endpoints.
- Optimised performance of processing block with big number of transactions.
- Fixed getting highest transaction for benchmarking: compare longs as unsigned values. Prevent bloating cache of the highest transactions.
- Fixed processing broadcast request with multiple transactions if one of transactions is failed.
- Fixed applying unconfirmed transactions for atomic multi transfers to guarantee all transfers or nothing (truly atomic).
- Fixed description of API function. Update Swagger UI.
- Fixed several minor bugs.