This is a starter project for Spring Boot Mongo Data. It contains technologies as Spring Boot, MongoDB, Mongobee and Spring Security with JWT Token Authorization. Project is still in early phase of development but it's a good point to start learning Spring Boot with MongoDB.
- Make sure that your mongo service is running
- Create database with name spring_mongo
- Optionally change the port (database uri) in yml (dev, prod) files
- Open terminal and navigate to your project
- Type command mvn install
- Type command mvn spring-boot:run
- Development profile (dev)
- Production profile (prod)
Authentication route: /auth/login
Method: POST
Content-Type: application/json
Request body: { username: "admin", password: "admin123", rememberMe: true/false }
Response: { token: "token_hash" }
- mvn clean
- mvn -Pprod package
If someone is interesting in contribution please contact me on e-mail
. This is not the last
project so it will be more interesting things to come for Spring Boot especially.
Heril Muratović
Software Engineer
Mobile: +38269657962
Skype: hedza06
Twitter: hedzakirk