Tool to manually control monitor color temperature.
Make sure to have redshift installed for your Linux system.
go install
redshiftctl (com.github.heisantosh.redshiftctl) 0.1.0
Tool to manually control monitor color temperature using redshft.
redshiftctl COMMAND [ARG]
toggle [STATE] toggle redshift to state on or off, if not provided toggele current state
load load the state of the configuration file
increase TEMP increase the color temperature by TEMP
decrease TEMP decrease the color temperature by TEMP
set TEMP set the color temperature to TEMP
get STATE get the value of the state, STATE can be state or temperature
help print this help information
Configuration file is ~/.config/redshiftctl/config.json
Keys are
# current state on, off
# color temperature
redshiftctl toggle
redshiftctl toggle on
redshiftctl set 4500
redshiftctl decrease 500
redshiftctl get temperature
This was initially designed for use in a polybar module. The goal was to support mappings for scroll up and scroll down actions to decrease and increase color temperatures respectively as well as toggling redshift on/off.
type = custom/ipc
# When starting, restore state from last time.
hook-0 = redshiftctl load && ~/.config/polybar/default/bin/redshift/
# Toggle state on/off.
hook-1 = redshiftctl toggle && ~/.config/polybar/default/bin/redshift/
# Increase color temperature.
hook-2 = redshiftctl toggle on && redshiftctl increase 500 && ~/.config/polybar/default/bin/redshift/
# Decrease color temperature.
hook-3 = redshiftctl toggle on && redshiftctl decrease 500 && ~/.config/polybar/default/bin/redshift/
initial = 1
# Toggle on/off on left click.
click-left = polybar-msg -p %pid% hook redshift 2
# Increase color temperature on scroll up.
scroll-up = polybar-msg -p %pid% hook redshift 3
# Decrease color temperature on scroll down.
scroll-down = polybar-msg -p %pid% hook redshift 4
state=$(redshiftctl get state)
if [ "${state}" = "on" ]; then
temperature=$(redshiftctl get temperature)
echo "%{F#EC7875} %{F-}${temperature}"
echo "%{F#42A5F5} %{F-}"