calculate a salary according to czech law
- have PHP installed
- run the script
./salary_calc wage-level year-month [untaxables-sum] [vacation-rate vacation-days-utilized] [DEBUG]
For example like this:
./salary_calc 25000 2018-04 500 147.75 1 DEBUG
- the commmand line assumes current rough wage is 25000
- regards wage calculation for april of 2018.
- untaxables-sum include incomes excluded from tax processing like amortization of employees' tools, untaxed insurance, etc (optional)
- then follows the vacation hourly rate and vacation days utilized within the month of calculation. In case there is no vacation these can be omitted (optional)
- input params validation is simple so just comply instead of quiche rant about runtime validation;-)
- provide
7th parameter in order to be printed calculation details