This repository contains SQL scripts designed to analyze E-commerce sales data stored in a Microsoft SQL Server database. The analysis includes queries to gain insights into customer behavior, sales trends, and payment patterns.
The database consists of seven main tables: CUSTOMERS, GEOLOCATION, ORDER_ITEMS, ORDERS, PAYMENTS, PRODUCTS, and SELLERS. Below is the schema structure:
This table contains details about the customers.
Column | Type | Description |
customer_id | int |
Primary key (Unique identifier for each customer) |
customer_unique_id | varchar(50) |
Unique identifier across orders for the same customer |
customer_zip_code_prefix | varchar(5) |
Zip code prefix of the customer |
customer_city | varchar(100) |
City where the customer resides |
customer_state | varchar(2) |
State where the customer resides |
This table contains geolocation data, useful for mapping customer and seller locations.
Column | Type | Description |
geolocation_zip_code_prefix | varchar(5) |
Zip code prefix of the location |
geolocation_lat | decimal(10,6) |
Latitude of the location |
geolocation_lng | decimal(10,6) |
Longitude of the location |
geolocation_city | varchar(100) |
City of the location |
geolocation_state | varchar(2) |
State of the location |
This table records individual items within each order.
Column | Type | Description |
order_id | int |
Foreign key referencing ORDERS(order_id) |
order_item_id | int |
Unique identifier for each order item |
product_id | int |
Foreign key referencing PRODUCTS(product_id) |
seller_id | int |
Foreign key referencing SELLERS(seller_id) |
shipping_limit_date | datetime |
Latest date the item should be shipped |
price | decimal(10,2) |
Price of the item |
freight_value | decimal(10,2) |
Shipping cost associated with the item |
This table contains details of all orders placed by customers.
Column | Type | Description |
order_id | int |
Primary key (Unique identifier for each order) |
customer_id | int |
Foreign key referencing CUSTOMERS(customer_id) |
order_status | varchar(50) |
Status of the order (e.g., shipped, delivered, canceled) |
order_purchase_timestamp | datetime |
Timestamp when the order was placed |
order_approved_at | datetime |
Timestamp when the order was approved |
order_delivered_carrier_date | datetime |
Date when the order was delivered to the carrier |
order_delivered_customer_date | datetime |
Date when the order was delivered to the customer |
order_estimated_delivery_date | datetime |
Estimated delivery date for the order |
This table contains payment information for each order.
Column | Type | Description |
order_id | int |
Foreign key referencing ORDERS(order_id) |
payment_sequential | int |
Payment sequence number within the order |
payment_type | varchar(50) |
Payment method (e.g., credit card, UPI) |
payment_installments | int |
Number of installments used for the payment |
payment_value | decimal(10,2) |
Total value of the payment |
This table contains details about the products available in the store.
Column | Type | Description |
product_id | int |
Primary key (Unique identifier for each product) |
product_category | varchar(50) |
Category of the product (e.g., electronics, furniture) |
product_name_length | int |
Length of the product name |
product_description_length | int |
Length of the product description |
product_photos_qty | int |
Number of product photos available |
product_weight_g | int |
Weight of the product in grams |
product_length_cm | int |
Length of the product in centimeters |
product_height_cm | int |
Height of the product in centimeters |
product_width_cm | int |
Width of the product in centimeters |
This table contains information about the sellers in the marketplace.
Column | Type | Description |
seller_id | int |
Primary key (Unique identifier for each seller) |
seller_zip_code_prefix | varchar(5) |
Zip code prefix for the seller's location |
seller_city | varchar(100) |
City where the seller is located |
seller_state | varchar(2) |
State where the seller is located |
The SQL scripts included in this repository focus on the following areas of analysis:
- Customer Insights: Analyze customer data based on geographic location, preferences, and total customer count.
- Order and Payment Analysis: Identify trends in order statuses, payment methods, and installment patterns.
- Sales Trends: Analyze daily, monthly, and yearly trends in sales and payments.
- Product Analysis: Explore product categories, dimensions, and their performance in sales.
- Seller Insights: Understand seller locations, city trends, and seller state performance.
Customers not in Specific States
Query to find customers located in states other than MG, SP, and SC. -
Canceled Orders
Query to retrieve orders with the status'canceled'
. -
Payments with Specific Criteria
Query to find payments made using UPI, with a value of at least 500, and completed in one installment. -
Top 5 Product Categories by Payment
Query to find the top 5 product categories by total payment value.
Clone this repository:
git clone
Download ZIP File
Set up the SQL Server database using the provided schema.
Execute the SQL scripts in the appropriate order to generate insights from the E-Commerce data.
- Microsoft SQL Server (or any SQL Server-compatible environment)
- A database with the above schema set up and populated with data.