Continuous time monte carlo(CTQMC) hybridization algorithm for Anderson model segment update. The only implemented observable is perturbation order. The output is the perturbation order histogram for each spin. At low temperature beta>500 the perturbation order historgram is distorted...probably need to implement more update methods(global, anti-segment) to reduce the autocorrelation time(enhance the ergodicity)...debugging.
Data structure:
config.h: Class for storing and updating time configurations. Currently only add one segment and remove one segment is implemented.
det.h: Class for storing and updating local matrices using Sherman-Morrison Algorithm.
local.h: Class for calculating local trace by segment picture. Function for calculating bath hybridization function. Currently only have flat band.
common.h: Storing global parameters.
random.h: Random number generators class borrowed from Dr. Kristjan Haule's ctqmc code.