Henrik Fjellheim, NTNU - IDI - NorwAI
Activate venv, install requirements, then run:
python -m venv venv
-- Windows
-- MAC / Linux
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
- (The project was made with python 3.8 64 bit version in 2023, but most packages can safely be upgraded to newer versions)
- (Example is the gym package, which has been replaced fully with gymnasium.)
python -m DDPG.visualize_ddpg
IF you dont have CUDA enabled / don't have a NVIDIA graphics card, you need to go into /DDPG/ddpg_torch.py, and set:
- If you still struggle with the cuda version (might be deprecated), run a fitting installation from: https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/
β£ π DDPG
β β£ π ddpg_torch.py
β β£ π environments.py
β β£ π locations.py
β β£ π main_torch.py
β β π visualize_ddpg.py
β£ π limo.py
β£ π Object.py
β£ π Agent.py
β£ π visualization.py
β π Vehicle.py
These are the important files for this project.
- Object.py defines all objects in the simulated env, including the bodies of the agents.
- visualization.py contains the class for visualising all objects, using pygames - including simulated lidar rays.
- Agent.py contains all agent-related code, as well as some methods for self-driving reactive agents.
- Vehicle.py: defines the vehicle dynamics on top of the Object; allowing it to move according to its inner model. The circograms are defined here (simulated LIDAR).
- limo.py: is just a testing framework, for manually running agents on vehicles - not much content here otherwise.
DDPG: Here are the AI agents - based on DDPG as well as DDPG + MPC (the PDRL)
- ddpg_torch.py: RL training logic, DDPG code as well as the Agent and the MPC_Agent code - being the DDPG based and PDRL based agents. Can train or load weights into an agent.
- environments.py: Defines some pre-made environments to train and test agents in. They are defined as gym environments, and can (potentially) be used by any gym-compatible agent.
- locations.py: Are the actual object-combinations being used into the environments.
- main_torch.py: All the training-code. Combines an agent with an environment, and runs a training run.
- visualize_ddpg.py: For running visualizations of pre-trained agents, inside environments.
python -m DDPG.visualize_ddpg
Uncomment the test you want to run, or make your own.