- Basically a basic CRUD to purpose of learning the basic structure of web sites.
- `Create post`
- `List posts`
- `Delete posts`
- `Update posts`
- The project don't have UI and UX because the unique focus in this project
is a lerning principle basic of the web backend project
- (UPDATE!) i was puted the project in structure (MVC).
- Node js
- MYSQL (database)
- Handlebars (Template engine)
- Express (framework)
- Sequelize (connection Node to MYSQL)
- The basic structures of web sites
- Express basic
- Connect with database with Sequelize
- Requests http (methods: Get, Post...)
- Integration with handlebars to connect variables with HTML
- Basic of Model, View, Controller (MVC)
- Learn about API rest and create projects more professionals.
- Learn NoSql (MongoDB) database
- Struct MVC (Model view controller)
- New tecniques of the express framework
- Before, install MYSQL (If you don't have)
- git clone: https://github.com/henricker/Blog-Posting
- yarn add -> To install all dependencies.
- yarn dev -> To running my project.