i3-gaps, this also requires ~/.Xresources
at the moment.
feh for setting the wallpaper
unclutter (AUR) for hiding the mouse cursor
numlockx for enabling numlock once X.Org starts.
thunar (file manager)
gvfs (trash support and mounting)
install command
pacman -S thunar thunar-{archive-plugin,media-tags-plugin,volman} tumbler gvfs gvfs-{afc,gphoto2,mtp,nfs}
rofi (program launcher)
- SwatchTime (AUR)
- MPD hook
- fonts
- ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols (AUR)
- ttf-material-icons (AUR) install manually
- ttf-google-fonts-git (AUR) OR ttf-roboto
xkb-switch (AUR) for toggling between English and Russian.
dunst for notifications.
If a theme is not loaded both bash and zsh have matching PS1 prompts.
In order to make this installation portable, the initialization script for Antigen will be symlinked into our the antigen folder after installation.
To locate the antigen.zsh initialization script try running find /usr -name 'antigen.zsh'
Once installed...
# from inside the repo
stow zsh
ln -s $ANTIGEN_INIT $HOME/.config/antigen/antigen.zsh
sudo chsh $USER --shell=$(which zsh)
# enter password
# restart shell
- rxvt-unicode-patched
- urxvt-perls
- urxvt-resize-font-git (AUR)
- Ctrl+Down (increase font size)
- Ctrl+Up (decrease font size)
can be symlinked ~/.Xdefaults
While vim and neovim can be stow'ed separately it is worth noting that neovim's after/
and syntax/
directories are just symlinks to vim's directories.
vim-git (AUR) for access to the system clipboard.
vim-runtime-git (AUR) for compatability with
vim plugins are managed by vim-plug (AUR).
- Install plugins by opening
vim ~/.vimrc
ornvim ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
:source %
- Install plugins by opening
i3 config .vim is included with code folding if a line starts with 3 pound
signs. -
DOSini code folding .vim for polybar config.
The pacman hooks man be added using the following commands from the root of this repo.
sudo mkdir /etc/pacman.d/hooks
sudo install -m 0644 ./pacman/etc/pacman.d/hooks/* -t /etc/pacman.d/hooks/
- rankmirrors updates the pacman mirrorlist each time pacman-mirrorlist is updated.
- cached versions of packages are deleted when a package is uninstalled
- only the last 3 versions of packages are retained
- symlink sh to dash
- xbps setup config files for VoidLinux
- remove/extract
requirement for Polybar. This will help with using SwayWM. - Migration to GNU Stow; Possibly augmented to warn about configuration dependencies.