This repository contains a mixture of handy scripts and datasets used by Data and Visualization Services for marketing, assessing, and managing our DVS Workshop Series.
This repository is a work in progress, but current contents include:
- dvs_cal.Rmd - a handy script if you'd like to see our workshop series as data frames.
- rvestLibcalCode.R - In DVS, we use Springshare's LibCal service to manage our registrations and workshop descriptions- this script pulls the current list of public workshops into a data frame for further management and analysis (warning - the list will only reflect upcoming workshops. If you need to see workshops since the fall of 2017, check out the dvs_cal.Rmd script which will generate dataframes by semester.)
##Changes in Registration Form
Question 3 "Are you from Duke University, Duke Medical Center, DCRI, or another Duke group" changed to "Are you affiliated with Duke University, Duke Medical Center, DCRI, or another Duke group?"
"Attendance" field added to the asssement spreadsheet (not present in the interface that registrants see.)