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To build a regression model to predict the visibility distance based on the given different climatic indicators in the training data.

Data Description

Data Description: This dataset predicts the visibility distance based on the different indicators as below:

  1. VISIBILITY - Distance from which an object can be seen.
  2. DRYBULBTEMPF-Dry bulb temperature (degrees Fahrenheit). Most commonly reported standard temperature.
  3. WETBULBTEMPF-Wet bulb temperature (degrees Fahrenheit).
  4. DewPointTempF-Dew point temperature (degrees Fahrenheit).
  5. RelativeHumidity-Relative humidity (percent).
  6. WindSpeed-Wind speed (miles per hour).
  7. WindDirection-Wind direction from true north using compass directions.
  8. StationPressure-Atmospheric pressure (inches of Mercury; or ‘in Hg’).
  9. SeaLevelPressure- Sea level pressure (in Hg).
  10. Precip Total-precipitation in the past hour (in inches).

Apart from training files, we also require a "schema" file from the client, which contains all the relevant information about the training files such as: Name of the files, Length of Date value in FileName, Length of Time value in FileName, Number of Columns, Name of the Columns, and their datatype.


Krishna Heroor


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