Source code for RobotC EV3 challenges.
300.c Navigate a track Labyrinth.c Navigate a maze LineTrackSwitchcase.c Track a line using C switch case statements LineTrackTimer.c Track a line using C timer statements LineTracking.c Track a line using a color (reflected value) sensor ObstacleCourse.c Navigate an obstacle course Robo200Light.c Navigate a track using a light sensor Robo200Sensors.c Navigate a track using multiple sensors Slalom.c Navigate a maze with cones SlalomEncoder.c Navigate a maze with cones using distance encoders Sumo.c Knock over four soda cans TouchLabyrinth.c Navigate a maze using a touch sensor TouchLabyrinthFunctions.c TouchLabyrinth with function calls Warehouse.c Utilize premade functions to navigate warehouse autothreshold.c Autothreshold base functions bluecheese.c Locate blue tape in maze cave.c Identify light values inside of a box linecounter.c Count lines passed using a color sensor linetoucher.c Utilize linecounter functions to produce a desired behavior race.c Code for motor acceleration while using gears