The AOS Operator is a role of EigenAVS in Hetu Protocols.
By registering with AOS on Dispatcher, the operator could service the AI inference verification task.The staker can delegate funds to an operator by Delegation Manager contract.
Tool:The Rust toolchain can be installed via Rustup. Execute the following command:
curl -sSf | sh
After installation, ensure that the Rust toolchain path is added to your environment variable:
source $HOME/.cargo/env
Install Dependencies:
On Ubuntu systems, run the following command to install dependencies:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install \ curl \ libssl-dev \ libpq-dev \ openssl \
On Fedora systems, run the following commands:
sudo yum groupinstall 'Development Tools' sudo yum install openssl-devel postgresql-libs postgresql-devel
Install PostgreSQL:
On Ubuntu systems:
sudo apt install postgresql
On Fedora systems:
sudo yum install postgresql-server sudo yum install postgresql16.x86_64 postgresql16-server -y sudo postgresql-setup --initdb
Start PostgreSQL Service:
sudo systemctl start postgresql sudo systemctl enable postgresql
Install Redis:
On Ubuntu systems:
sudo apt-get install redis
On Fedora systems:
sudo yum install -y redis6
Start Redis Service:
sudo systemctl enable redis-server sudo systemctl start redis-server
Compile the Source Code:
Use the following command to build the project:
cargo build --release
Update the Configuration File:
Configuration file location:
Update the following configuration items based on your environment:
pg_db_url: PostgreSQL database URL dispatcher_url: AOS dispatcher URL dispatcher_address: AOS dispatcher ID node_id: Operator address signer_key: Operator private key vrf_key: Same as signer_key chain_rpc_url: Ethereum RPC node
Initialize the Database:
Use the following command to initialize the PostgreSQL database. Replace 'postgres:hetu' in the URL below with the actual username and password, and replace 'operator_db' with the actual database name.
./target/debug/operator-runer -i postgres://postgres:hetu@
Run the Operator:
Use the following command to start the operator service:
./target/release/operator-runer -c ./docs/template/config-operator.yaml