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This repository has been archived by the owner on Sep 5, 2024. It is now read-only.


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Suggested Search

Simple search results suggestions. The plugin fetches the JSON data given in the source and renders results based on user input.


new SuggestedSearch({
  elements: document.querySelectorAll('input'),
  source: '/posts',
  filterBy: 'title',
  resultsToShow: 3,
  charsBeforeResults: 3,
  resultContainerEl: 'ul',
  item: post =>
    `<li class="list-item">
        <a href="${post.url}">${post.title}</a>
Option Description
elements HTML elements to initalize SuggestedSearch on
source URL to data source. JSON format.
filterBy Object key upon which the search input will compare against
resultsToShow Maximum results to show at one time
charsBeforeResults Minimum number of characthers user must type before results start to show
resultContainerEl The HTML element that wraps the search results
item Function that gets mapped over the data item

Browser Support

This plugin supports IE11 and all evergreen browsers. The code base makes use of ES6 features and uses core-js to polyfill.

If you are not supporting IE11 (I'm jealous), then create a custom build for yourself and remove import './polyfills' from src/index.ts.


Clone this reposity and install the development packages.

# Clone the repo
git clone

# Install packages
yarn install

# Start coding
yarn watch
Command Description
watch yarn watch will watch for file changes and rebuild the package. It also launches a local server accesible at localhost:10001
build Builds the package. Entry is src/index.ts.
test Runs Jest tests found in src/tests


Simple Suggested Search using API data







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