CopyrightJS is a little JavaScript utility that will keep copyright year ranges up to date without any human intervention. It was originally created for my own personal and freelance projects where a static website required a copyright year that could update itself without my intervention. The main focus of CopyrightJS is on static HTML websites without any server-rendering backend which cuts costs for sites that are very simple and seldom updated.
CopyrightJS comes in jQuery and pure JavaScript flavors. Pure JavaScript is
denoted by -nojq
Pull requests and feature requests are welcome.
To use CopyrightJS, simply wrap the starting year in a span or some other
inline text element and set the class to copyright-year
<p>Copyright © <span class="copyright-year">2016</span></p>
CopyrightJS will then look for all elements with the copyright-year
class and
it will take care of the rest. In case you have multiple copyright years to run
against, CopyrightJS will handle each one individually, as seen in the
An invalid year will output an error to the console and replace the year with whatever the current year is. A year in the future will display a warning in the console and leave the year as-is.
It's recommended that you use the
transpiled and minified files available in the dist/
folder, as the version in
uses ES2015 syntax and features. The minified jQuery-dependent version is 381 bytes, while the Pure JavaScript version is 478 bytes.